
I'm only 21 and had my pacemaker put in 6 months ago. I still feel lots of pain around the site and am extremely itchy. Is this normal, or did anyone else experience this? 


yep, pain

by Violet West - 2019-11-25 14:52:22

It took me about 9 months for pain, itching, and random twinges to subside.  

I would say normal, unless the pain is really severe. 


by Graham M - 2019-11-25 15:22:39

I am 3 months in and still feel itchy.  I also get an occasional sharp pain in my left armpit, but not around the pacemaker.

It might be worth getting it checked in case you have an infection.



by AgentX86 - 2019-11-25 21:18:54

There shouldn't be any severe pain now but it can be sensitive to the touch for some time.  Itching, for a long time after, is perfectly normal.  Mine was very sensitive to the touch for a good eight months, then it rather suddently stopped hurting.  After 21 months it still itches at times and there is pain on the left pectoral, though I still have muscular/skeletal pain from my five-year-old sternotomy, particularly after exercise or when it gets cold.  It's hard to separate the two.

Arnica cream for itching

by Pacemaker_Sally - 2019-11-26 16:13:32

You might want to try Arnica cream for itching and twinging. It settles mine right down. 

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