Happy Anniversary, Ralph

Ralph is my pacemaker - today is our 1-year anniversary together.

One year and six days ago, I fainted on a commuter train to work and went into what the other passengers thought was a seizure. Once we got downtown, a kind stranger steered me into a cab and took me to the emergency room. She even waited with me until I was fully admitted before going to work.

One year and four days ago I learned that I am a medical anomaly. I have both vasovagal syncope and long QT syndrome. They told me in the hospital that they'd never seen a single person with both conditions before. (I have theories about this - I bet there are others who have just never been tested for both?) They also told me that when I fainted during my tilt-table test, my heart stopped. And then they told me I needed a pacemaker right away, although it would really only function as insurance in case I ever fainted again.

One year ago today I got my pacemaker. My boyfriend named him "Ralph" as a joke, and it stuck. Knock on wood, I have had no incidents in the past year, and Ralph and I seem to be getting along quite nicely. As I've told others on here, I never really "forget" that I have him, but for the most part we seem to leave each other well enough alone. I take care of him, and he takes care of me!

Here's to all of us who are celebrating anniversaries with our beloved devices. Be thankful for them, and also for our friends, family, and the kind strangers in our lives. I know I am! :-)




by jessie - 2007-10-09 02:10:37

hi yes it is a marvelous thing that we are blessed with this device. before this invention we would have died for sure. i was fainting also and then finally i happened to be in the right place at the right time when my pulse dropped to 28. i look at pictures last summer and realize i looked like death warmed over. i like your statement i take care of him and he takes care of me. it has been over a year now for me in august past. take care and keep your good sense of humour jessie

Happy 1st Birthday, Ralph!

by ela-girl - 2007-10-09 04:10:08


I think it's so cute how your pm is called Ralph. :) I just love how you wrote about Ralph in your second to last paragraph. :)

Thank you so much for sharing your story. It's also good to know that there are still some really good people out there in the world willng to help a stranger in need. Thank God, right?!

Me and my pm have our 1 year celebration this Friday. Maybe I should give him a name for our anniversary?!

I wish you continued pacing success!

Congrats to you & Ralph

by admin - 2007-10-09 08:10:50

I love that you named your device. I'm glad to hear that you are getting comfortable with each other.

Don't get too comfortable with him as you will need to replace him in five or six years. I wouldn't want you to get a broken heart.


Hi Ralph

by peter - 2007-10-10 02:10:43

Perhaps we should have a competition to see who can come up with the funniest name for thier pacemaker.

Thanks, everybody!

by sboissonnas - 2007-10-10 10:10:54

Jessie - congratulations on your first year. Sounds like it's been a great improvement for you! That's always nice to hear. May your pacemaker keep on keeping you safe!

Ela-girl - happy anniversary to you too! :) Yes, thank God for the lady who helped me. I sent her flowers and promised I'd "pay it forward" if I ever had the opportunity.

Blake - hahaha - too funny, that's a very good point. Maybe we'll have to go with "Ralph Jr." and "Son of Ralph" for the future ones!

Starr - I'm 33. Sorry to hear about your illnesses! I sent you an email at your AOL address. I'm always happy to answer questions, just tell me what you want to know! :)

Thanks, everyone. I wondered if it would be too cheesy to post about Ralph's anniversary, but now I'm glad I did!


You know you're wired when...

Airport security welcomes you.

Member Quotes

I am very lucky to have my device.