First Device testing

Happy New Year all.  

On 12/11/19 had CrT-d implanted.  I had no symptoms prior, worked our regularly,  age 67, EF% 34, LBBB - QRS 174.  Docs suggested CRTD, so leap of faith, we did it.  Before device, my standard resting heart beat52 to 54. (Meds, ie Metoprolol 25mg, keep it low) I noticed post implantation it rose to 60ish.

Yesterday at first device check, they said one of the leads moved a bit but was still in "safe zone"., not sure that is concerning  or not.  They then increased my resting heart rate to 70 BPM.  Not sure why?  Do I feel the change, yea.  Like drinking to much coffee feeling.  Not unbearable but noticeable.  

others with crtd, was this similar to your first device check?


thanks in advance for any guidance.





Leap of faith

by AgentX86 - 2020-01-01 01:46:26

With an LVEF of <35%, a CRT-D is the norm. Post implant it probably went up to 60 because that's what the set as the lower limit at the time.  I can only guess why they raised the heart rate to 70bpm.  Did they say anything about PVCs or PACs?  Often raising the heart rate will overpower these arrhythmias.  They aren't dangerous and are in reality perfectly normal.  Everyone has them but it's a matter of how many.  They don't feel particularly good and perhaps they're being a little proactive.

You should have asked when they did it, though.  It's good to understand the thought behind any change to your PM that you didn't request.  It would be in your best interest to learn as much as you can about your PM so that you can communicate with your medical team.

Healing hearts

by Terry - 2020-01-02 00:54:43

Scientific studies suggest that 30% of patients don't respond to CRT. But if your EF is not improved by CRT, not to worry. I would ask to be evaluated for His bundle pacing. Leading university hospitals, Mayo, Cleveland Clinic, for example offer that. See <> or Google His bundle pacing. It is the only ventricular pacing method that can restore normal, physiological ventricular contractions and can reportedly, heal the failing heart subsequent to desynchrony. Learn why that is true.

All the best,


You know you're wired when...

Your device acts like a police scanner.

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Hang in there; it does get better every day!