Dual pm

I was wondering if someone knows how long it takes pm to kick in? It is set not to go below 60 but has gone down to 50. Also wondering if anyone has gotten a buzzing feeling in their breast located on the same side as their pm.


PMs don't "kick in"

by AgentX86 - 2020-01-14 23:08:35

If your PM is set to 60bpm, and your heart goes longer than 1 second between beats, the PM inserts a beat.  This continues forever.  How did you measure the 50bpm?  It's possible that you have PVCs, or similar arrhythmia that will fool a monitor.  PVCs can feel like pretty much anything (they're awful).  Some pacemakers will vibrate, much like a cell phone, if they detect something seriously wrong. Or it may just be a spasm. There isn't a lot of information here so the above are just WAGs.


by Pacer2019 - 2020-01-14 23:31:29

Buzzing like a mechanical or electronic buzzing ?

my pec in that side "quivered " "trembled " and "fluttered " but that went away and was nerve related I believe 

How did you know it went to 50

by PacedNRunning - 2020-01-15 16:03:38

Like AgentX said, it will allow you to go below but it's all on timing cycles in milliseconds. So quick. Watches and cool devices are not 100% accurate. Pretty darn close but can be off for a lot of different reasons. I have felt the buzzing your talking about. Mainly at my lower rate or near it. For me it was my heart not the device going into junctional rhythm. 

Pu;se ox accurate? Actually it most likely is

by Gotrhythm - 2020-01-15 17:34:21

I have no experience with watches, but I can state that the pulse ox measurement shouldn't neccessarily be dismissed, as "inaccurate" because it reads below the pacemaker's base rate.

You just need to understand what the pulse ox is measuring and what it's not. The pulse ox is measuring the PULSE at the end of your finger.  It can never be more than your heartrate, but it can be less particularly when a beat isn't strong enough to be sensed by the time it has traveled all the way from your heart to your fingertip.

The pacemaker is sensing electrical signals that are coming directly from your heart. The base rate the pacemaker is set at is the total of beats supplied by your heart and beats supplied by the pacemaker, so the number should always add up to at least the base rate.

The pulse ox doesn't say what your pacemaker is doing. Only what is reaching the tip of your finger. 

In my experience, when there is a discrepancy over several times and days, there could be a problem--not with the pacemaker--but with how your heart is doing it's part of the pumping job.


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