PM makes my HR go up when I'm just relaxing.

I was wondering if anyone has ever had a problem with your PM like I'm having, even my Doctor doesn't really now why it's doing this and what to do aout it. Therefore, I'll be getting a second opinion on the 21st.:-).

It all started in the beginning of Dec., I was shoveling snow- it was very light. And I passed out after some palpatations and dizziness, went to the ER and my Doc. and everything is OK, except that I'm short of breath, and any excertion at all I see stars. Well, yesterday I went to see my EP doc. and he saw that my PM had a HR of 160, which on that day and time I was just watching TV waiting for the New Year, he said that it was paced the whole time, and it wasn't my natural HR.

So I was wondering if anyone else has their pacemaker decide to go fast when there is no need for it, it's like it has a mind of it's own. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, Karri


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