Long time no post...

Hello all. Just thought I would check in and see what is going on in "here". I am just pacing along great. I did need to go into the hospital recently to conduct an EP study with a possible ablation because I have been having symptoms of superventricular tachydardia. The doc was not able to duplicate my heart rythms, so he did not ablate. This all happened a month ago. Today I went in and spoke to the doc's nurse and he told me that they saw that I definently had a heart block in my ventricul. This was news to me because I was only told that I had a high grade AV block. Because of the EP study they saw the ventricular block for sure. This steers us in the direction of tweaking the Pacemaker. The symptoms are lightheadedness accompanied by sweating spells and such. The Nurse said that this could be because of low blood sugar.

Wow, I have a pacemaker. I still feel kinda weird about this.



by uvagershwin - 2008-02-21 06:02:10

Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm 13 and haven't gone one day without my PM. I still can't wrap my brain around the idea that I have a pacemaker!!!!!!!!!!

Since 2004

by TexasBeat - 2008-07-06 09:07:11

had my defibrillator implated in 2004 following sudden cardiac death episode.
I forget that I have one. it only paced me one time since then and shocked me once.
As for your AV Blck and Ventriccular blocks. Don't sweat it really. I know the Docs in your area they are great and really keep an eye out on the units.
You are in some of the best hands in your area.

You know you're wired when...

You can feel your fingers and toes again.

Member Quotes

I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.