pulse rate, afib and atenolol

Hi Everyone,
Got a pacemaker 2 years ago because my heart rate was dangerously low. Been fine for 2 years...excercising, lost some weight, health has been good (I also have Atrial Fibulation but I rarely feel it and so far it is only 1% of the time).
Recently used a friends blood pressure home device to check my BP and pulse rate. BP always comes up fine but pulse rate is constantly 59,58. My friend said that's good and the the low rate is probably my areobic excercise paying off. However, I have a pacemaker because my heart rate went too low so this may be the result of my medical condition and not a sign of excercise.What bothers me is that the reason I checked it was because I have on occassion felt very slight pre-dizziness when I stand up at times. I thought I remembered that they had set the PM so my pulse would not go below 60. So now I'm worried. I don't get a PM check until July 28 so I 'm wondering if this is a problem I should bring up earlier. The other relevant factor is that I take 25 mgs of atenolol for the Atrial Fibulation. My understanding is it slows your heart rate.
So anyone out there want to take a shot at this situation. I know ultimately the Doctor is the one to talk to to find out but I also put a lot of faith into my expereinced pacemaker peers.
hanks in advance. Jim K age 61


Pulse rate

by Pookie - 2008-07-16 10:07:58

It could be the home blood pressure monitor, I have one too and sometimes it reads that my pulse is 58 or 59 but obviously the machine isn't as accurate as the doctor's.

If you pulse is reading lower than that, then I'd go get it checked by any doctor until you get to see your cardiologist.

And if you are getting lightheaded or dizzy upon standing, perhaps you could ask your doctor about Hypotension Intolerance.

Hope this helps.


pulse rate, afib, atenolol

by Vai - 2008-07-17 11:07:56

I am in similar situation. PM for about 2 years. No problems generally. Life resumed as normal. Regular exercise, weight maintained. PM low setting 60 bpm. Afib less than 2%. regular self monitor bp is normal 120/80 to 110/75, heart rate 62 bpm. Atrial paced 93%, ventricles paced less than 1%.
Check-up now is once per year. Atenolol did not work for me as well. Switched to 180 mg sotalol and it works for me.

Atenolol works on slowing the heart generally as a whole. Your atenolol is at minimal maintenance dosage and it is doing its job keeping afib at bay and you don't feel it when it does afib. That's excellent management of the condition..

I think your monitor reading of 58,59 is nothing to be concerned about. I agree with Pookie that it is a reasonable margin of error. Anyway home devices are not always calibrated regularly to maintain precise measurements.

The slight dizziness can be caused by many factors. Suggest you consider
- get lots of rest, probably you could be fatigue those times
- remind yourself to be hydrated, you could be dehydrated at those times
- check your bp when you get those slight disszy spells. As you get up, it is quite common for rapid bp changes (drops) and that could be that momentary dizziness .

I trust this is helpful.

Atrial pace and ventricle pace

by kiljake1 - 2008-07-23 06:07:56

Vai..couldn't figure how to send an e-mail just to you. Your info was very helpful..thank you. Now what the heck is Atrial pace and ventricle pace? I don't believe my Doctors have tested for that..should they? Jim

Pulse rate

by Stoneyjohn - 2018-05-22 12:08:28

I have recently had a pacemaker fitted and at the setup they set my resting pulse rate to 60.bpm.Some weeks ago a nurse on routine checkup took my pulse rate as 56 bpm. I take low dosage bisoprolol which also slows down the heart. I am not medically qualified but I would say at 61 you have nothing to worry about.

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