2nd pm in a couple of weeks

It has taken me to long to find this site. My first pm was implanted 8 years ago when I was 29 just 8 months after my son was born. I'm 100% paced and I am challenging case so the team of doctors tell me. The first 6.5 years of with my pm were great - I was able to do all my normal activities plus exercise. About year and half ago I started having extreme fatigue, light headed, daily activities can be challenging and shortness of breath. We have done every test on my heart and we decided CRT (Cardio resynchronization therapy) pacemaker is the best option. It's hard to believe in a couple weeks I'm getting my second pacemaker and I'm only 37. Going from dual paced pm to a CRT I have to have a thrid wire inserted. I'm excited to see if this new pacemaker will help me to feel better and I'm anxios about recovery. Has anyone had a CRT? Any tips or advice for recovery? Desperate to feel better.


New PM

by SMITTY - 2007-05-11 07:05:03

Hey Redhead,

Sorry but I can't help with any experience on a three lead unit as mine is a two lead Medtronic that is 7 years old. There has been discussion about a 3 lead unit for me to help overcome some of the effects of CHF. We shall see on that one.

As for recovery, since we are all different and respond to things differently, I would say expect the same recovery experience from this one that you had with your first one.

I'm can understand your being desperate to feel better and we hope this does the trick.

We wish you the very best.


New PM

by SuperBionic - 2007-05-11 08:05:30

I am 37 and just received my first PM 30 April after an emergency room visit. My heart has an AV block. What were your original symptoms? Lightheaded, short of breath, chest pressure? All me. They did an angiogram and found nothing. Decided to put in a duel lead. Welcome to the site.


First symptoms

by Redhead - 2007-05-12 11:05:55

I was born with congenital heart disease - two holes in my heart (AASD & VSD). Those were repaired when I was four and I lived a normal active life. After my second child was born I started having problems with my heart again. Light headed, shortness of breath, heart rate really low when resting and only getting about half the beats when I would exercise. That is when they decided to put in a dual lead pacemaker when I was 29. Life went back to pretty much normal - I was able to exercise and enjoy the activities I loved. Over the last 8 years I have gone from 30% pacemaker dependent to 100% dependent. About year and half ago I started having more problems fatique, light headed, shortness of breath with light exercise, daily activies can be a challenge. We have done every test they can and I have been diagnosised with exercise induced cardiomyopathy, diastolic dysfunction - heart failure. The CRT pacemaker (three lead) is my ray of hope to feel better.

my first

by lana - 2007-05-14 10:05:22

I am scheduled for my first PM on the 6th of June.
I am a little scared. What should I expect, at the hospital before, during and after it is inserted?


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