thank you to all the other forget-me nots

Boy what a relief I'm not alone out there - now that I know this I can forget it - and get on with life - it has become very precious
Thank so much to all who answered this question. You are a great lifeline



by boatman50 - 2008-03-16 10:03:35

Who is this?


by pacergirl - 2008-03-16 11:03:03

I must say over the last few weeks I would like to say that I have forgotten a few things..... Not everything, but a few for sure. Some things are just better off forgotten if one can.


by jessie - 2008-03-16 11:03:51

she posted on memory loss a while back. remember? lol she is just thanking us boatman jessie

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I just want to share about the quality of life after my pacemaker, and hopefully increase awareness that lifestyles do not have to be drastically modified just because we are pacemaker recipients.