Market Research Study for those with pacemakers or ICD's

If you have heart problems, a pacemaker or survived a heart attack we need your input for a medical market research study. We are in the process of coming out with a new medical device and need your expertise. If you are interested in participating we will come to your house and interview you and pay you for it. You won't even have to leave your own home. This is only taking place in the Boston and Chicago area. You will be compensated $150 for this 2 hour opportunity. If you are interested and would like to find out more please follow the link below and we will contact you. Thank you for your interest.

This is not a sales call and I assure you this is totally legit. Feel free to check us out online at This is simply for market research purposes only and is strictly confidential.

Thanks again.



by KarenLL - 2007-05-16 05:05:31

I live in RI, and tried to get on your website. Can't read the ID number the way it overlap the advertising.

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