HELP Please

Hey everyone!

I have a question so I pass out 5 times in the last 4 days which quite normal for me, but last night I passed out and fell down 10 feet of stairs, hit a cement block and fell on to dirt and landed on some rocks down a little hill. The next thing I know the ambulance people and the firemen and policemen are there and putting me on the board and neck brass and I was brought to the ER.

Thankfully the doctor said I was ok nothing was broken, *AMAMAZINGLY* I felt ok considering and besides being supper sore, majorly cut up scraped and bruised it wasn’t that bad, we did an ECG and I was sent home around 12:30 am

Around 1 am I started feeling Palpitations and all day today I have been feeling major Palpitations a lot! And I am very short of breath making me dizzier.

I have my pacemaker we DID NOT check it last night, so I was wondering is there anything that can be wrong or could I have damaged it or anything? Of course being the weekend I can’t get in to my family doctor. Can anyone tell me should I be worried and go to the ER for this tomorrow or am I ok until Monday to get in to the pacemaker clinic or do I even need to?

Thanks for answering
Have a great day.



by ela-girl - 2008-06-01 01:06:18

I just checked out your member profile and read that you have VVS (same as NCS). So I can TOTALLY relate to how you are feeling and what kind of life you are leading. There are a handful of us on the site with your condition and have been able to manage the syncope with our pm's etc. I'm not sure how long you've belonged to the site, but you can find lots of our stories on VVS if you use the "search" feature in the upper right hand corner or the site. There are certain pm settings that could help with your syncope. What else have you tried in order to control the VVS? Do you take any meds? Wear compression stockings? Have a diet higher in salt and electrolytes?

I REALLY feel for you in a major way. I had NO quality of life with the VVS. No driving, doing things on my own, nada. It sucks to blackout because your body takes days to find homeostasis. And if your blackouts were like mine, you have no clue they are coming and they are inconsistently consistent. I could have 10 a day or 10 a week or 10 a month. And you just want to sleep all the time.

Please feel free to private message me any time. I'll help you however I can...even if it's just lending an ear.


Good God!

by ela-girl - 2008-06-01 01:06:40

Hi, Kish.

Wow. Sounds like you sure did a number on yourself. I can relate to the blacking out portion of your story...I have neurocardiogenic syncope and suffered for 5 years with blackouts before the pm. Why do you have your pm (if you don't mind my asking)? Was it to help with the passing out or for soemthing unrelated?

I can understand your nervousness after a fall like that. I'm surprised that they didn't check out your pm for good measure while you were in the ER. I think for peace of mind you should have it checked. Do you happen to wear a medic alert bracelet or something? Did they know you have a pm?

I don't like that you say you feel short of breath. I say better safe than sorry so just go back to the ER.

Keep us posted please!

Black outs

by patpeter - 2008-06-01 07:06:05

Hi Kish,
I think you should go to the ER too. But if you are feeling like you are not sure call the ER and ask to speak to a nurse or MD, tell them what's been going on and ask them if you should come in. If they think you can wait then at least you'll feel relieved and not so nervous, if you know what I mean.
I am so glad you did not get suffer any other things like broken bones etc. You take care and let us know how you are.


Right on Ela

by bowlrbob - 2008-06-01 07:06:33

Ela is right on I am one of those members she talks about. I also have VVS and i have not blacked out now for 2 years. All controlled with the pm only. Our EP's have turned on the rate drop response feature on our PM's and this has done the trick. Ask your Dr. about this feature it can work for some of us. Bowlrbob

Hi Kish

by bini - 2008-06-01 08:06:32

I am so sorry to hear this happening to you! I was wondering how you were doing! Anyway, Everything Ela and Bowlrbob has said is good!

I would get you palpatations checked just to make sure nothing happened to the PM or the wires.

Anyway, good luck with everything, and please let me know how it goes.



by kish - 2008-06-02 10:06:50

Thank you guys for answering me. I went to the ER this morning because they palpitations had not stopped, I was there for about 4 and ½ hours. The pacemaker is working fine, but there is some random stuff going on, however they don’t know what to do and said that they can’t really doing anything for it. So I just have to deal with them. (Im glad I didn’t end up going in Saturday night just for nothing lol)

But I just wanted to let you all know the pacemaker is fine its just my messed up body lol. And I wanted to thank you for answering me. I am still so sore from falling down the stairs but I shall be good after a while, my goal is to lay in bed for the rest of the day so I don’t pass out and keep hurting my self even more.

Anyways have a great day.

You know you're wired when...

The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

Member Quotes

A properly implanted and adjusted pacemaker will not even be noticeable after you get over the surgery.