Low Magnesium and potassium issues

Hey everyone hope it all goes well with you. I have another question for you all As I have posted in the past I got my PM in May 2007 and am on major medications in hopes of my to not pass out anymore however I have still pass out 5 out 7 days a week since.

So this last month though I have passed out every day but at lest 3-6 times a day, after a fall down 40 stairs and another fall shortly after over the hot pre heated oven door that was open I was brought to the ER the 2nd week of Jan.

I just wanted them to check to out my injures but I ended up passing out right there in front of them so they did some blood tests after I described how my body was feeling and found that my magnesium and potassium levels were supper low. They filled me up and fixed my injuries and set me off.

But I ended right back to the ER 4 days latter after passing out over 15 times and with my body feeling the same way, again I had supper low Potassium, again they filled me up and then I was sent on my to end up there again 3 days later again the same issue this time they had to admitted me because I was so dangerously low.

So this has been going on for the whole month low potassium and low magnesium, They have lowered a medication that may have caused issues with the Potassium even though the Dr doesn’t think it would cause me to lose the amount I was nor how quickly and often I am losing it.

Iv been admitted now about 3 times, and am there at lest 3-4 days, I go to the clinic and get these things tested every week now and yet there still low and I still end up back there for them to fill me up and have no idea what is wrong or causing this so I was just wondering if anyone else her has had this issue, and if so what it was or and what they did to fix it. Im use to passing out that does not bother me (well it does but I don’t think id be passing out as much if this was fixed) but my body sure feels yucky with out Magnesium and potassium and you kind of needed to function for a daily life.

Anyways thanks for your time and suggestions!



by scadnama - 2009-02-02 01:02:03

I also have problems maintaining my potassium levels. I can always tell when it's low cause I feel so blah.

I am going to sending you a private message.


And I agree

by abreaux - 2009-02-02 01:02:24

How are you expected to live your life not know ing when you'll pass out on stairs, in front of a hot stove or oven, carrying a child, driving, and the like? If they can't figure it out and get it fixed, then it seems like it's time to be admitted until they can study it more in depth or to find new doctors. I cannot imagine how scary that is for you. I passed out twice before PM, and it scared me half to death.

Sending good healing orayers and thoughts your way,


by kish - 2009-02-02 02:02:13

Thanks guys, I know they do need to fix passing out but right now im more concerned about how the lack of of potassium and magnesium is making me feel and becaues its supper important for your body.

I am not bulimic or anything like that, in fact I eat small meals every 1 as to try not to make me pass out if I miss one of these Ugh I feel yucky and before all this happened when I could work I was a baker so I LOVE FOOD! so there's no worry there at all.

I have had my Calcium checked it was low once a while go but its fine since. I have always taken a potassium supplement for for over 2 yeas now as well as all my other medications and have not had these issues. They have done 1 tests on the kidney and came back fine, I have not been sick I drink over 3 letters of water and sport drinks a day so its dehydration.

I have told them all my symptoms I have and told them something is wrong and they need to figure this out id be sadly happy going back to my normal passing out life instead of this but they have no idea where to look or do. I will print these off to show them though maybe they can start looking somewhere I just don't know.

abreaux I don't drive and I don't carry or hold kids EVER Sucks I have a new nephew too. Scadnama I look forward to your message

Thanks for your support and words I appropriate it!

Oh Dear

by Pookie - 2009-02-02 05:02:35

Hi Kish.

I seriously don't know what to say. I can't imagine passing out that many times per day.

Have you ever been tested for Neurocardiogenic Syncope? Have you had the tilt table test? Have you had your thyroid checked? Does eating bananas help?

My lord, this is SO unacceptable....keep pushing the doctors for an answer!!!!!!!! Personally, I wouldn't leave the hospital until they figured it out.

I have Neurocardiogenic Syncope and Hypotension Intolerance and an inner ear imbalance so I can appreciate being dizzy...I experience daily pre-syncope (almost fainting) too but have only fainted twice which was NOT pleasant.

All I can offer you is support and I really hope you get an answer.

Keep us posted.



by franko1966 - 2009-02-02 06:02:51

i agree with bobad,my mag and potassium was low to,but he put me on spironolatone 25 megs pot level 4.2 now but i alo take 500 mg of mag each day,


by BillMFl - 2009-02-02 09:02:18

Potassium is vital for proper heart function. You are either shedding it way too fast or you are not uptaking it properly. All your meds should be totally re-evaluated, your kidney function should be evaluated, if you are takng any suppliments (other that Mg and K) you should stop. Here are some common causes: dehydration, starvation, vomiting, bulimia, diarrhea, malabsorption, excessive intake of licorice, renal problems, GI bleeds, alkalotic states, excessive calcium intake, and various meds, especially diueretics. Is there something you aren't telling us about? For example, your symptoms are very common in anorexia.

Passing out is unacceptable

by bobad - 2009-02-02 12:02:06

For gosh sakes, you need to get that fixed right away!
It doesn't matter if you are used to it or don't mind it.

I'm assuming you are taking Mag and potassium supplements. If not, and you're on diuretics, you may need at least a potassium supplement.

If your docs just let you keep passing out, they need firing. Firing is too good for them, actually.

Good luck, and keep us posted.


by kish - 2009-02-03 01:02:10

Yes I have Neurocardiogenic Syncope and I Have had a e tilt table test? my thyroids are good and I eat anywhere from 3-8 bananas day to say the lest I use to like them lol. But I don't know if it helps as I always eat them.

Thanks again I go see my family Dr tomorrow he has no answers at all for me as this is all way out of his lege so im not sure what he is going to do but hope fully find someone to help a little more or to help push my other Drs.

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