My cardiologist has ordered a MIBI test for me due to some dizzy spells and occasional chest pain. I'm a little nervous about this one and would like to hear from others who have had a MIBI done. I'd like to know what to expect and what complications can arise.

I don't contribute often to the site but read the posts every day and enjoy hearing about how all of you are doing.

Thank you,



by ElectricFrank - 2010-07-01 02:07:43

I just looked at a description of it on one of the medical sites and it doesn't look like the test is very involved. If you are able I would tend toward the treadmill for the exercise portion of the test rather than the chemical type. They will say that the chemical stress test has no more risk that the treadmill, and they may be right. I just tend to chose the natural form whenever I can.

My only concern about these tests is the possibility of false positives and what would follow.



by Nuka - 2010-07-01 04:07:59

Thanks for your input Frank. I agree with you, however during a treadmill stress test a few years ago something went wrong with my heart, they stopped it immediately and were very concerned for a while. My cardiologist is now very leary of my being on the treadmill. It would seem to me that it would be the lesser of the two evils. Once the chemical is in the body it's there but with the treadmill at least I can step off before any harm is done. I'm really uncomfortable with the thought of this test.

My Mibi Test

by Pookie - 2010-07-01 09:07:51

Hi Nuka.

This is a copy of the phamplet they gave me before having my MIBI. I did fine. No problems at all. However, the entire process took 4 hours!!!

What is MIBI stress test?

A MIBI stress test is a Nuclear Medicine test that

lets your doctor know how well your heart muscle

is being supplied with blood.

To find this out, we need to take pictures of you

during rest and after stress.

How should I prepare for this test?

You may eat a light breakfast on the day of the

exam. If you are diabetic, you can follow your normal

diet. Do not have caffeine (coffee, tea, pop, and

chocolate) during the day of the test.

Bring a list of your medications.

You may have to walk on a treadmill so you may

want to wear comfortable footwear.

If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant

discuss this with your doctor before having this test


What can be expected during a MIBI stress test?

The Nuclear Medicine technologist will bring you

into the exam room, explain the test to you and inject

you with a radioactive material called sestamibi

(MIBI for short), that allows us to see the heart.

After the injection there is a 30 minute wait, where

you can stay in the waiting room. You are not to eat

during this time.

You will then be brought back into the Nuclear

Medicine Department for a picture of your heart

which takes about 20 minutes.

Following the images, the technologist will give you

a time to register with Cardiac Services. For the

second part of the test, you must check in at the Lab.

located in the main hospital lobby and then proceed

to Cardiac Services.

When you arrive at Cardiac Services, the ECG

technologist will hook you up to an ECG monitor

and set up a temporary IV line in your arm.

The specialist who ordered the test will be present.

He/she will lead you through your stress test. Your

condition, blood pressure, heart rate, and ECG will

be closely monitored while you walk on a treadmill.

If you are unable to perform the stress test on the

treadmill, a drug called PERSANTINE will be administered by the physician to mimic stress.

When you have exercised enough, or have been

given PERSANTINE, the Nuclear Medicine

technologist will inject a second dose of MIBI into

the IV

NOTE: If at any time you feel that you are too tired

to continue or if you have any discomfort, tell the

doctor. They will stop the exercise.

After the treadmill has stopped, the IV and ECG

equipment will be disconnected.

You will return to the Nuclear Medicine waiting


There is a 20-40 minute wait, and then the second

picture will be taken.

The test is finished after this.

Hope this helps!!!!!!

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