So much fun!

Okay, true story...

I just got back from a business trip with a few of my colleagues. We were coming back and were going through the Calgary airport. Like usual, I had to get a personal security check. All of my collegues have been through this with me, so they stood aside and waited.
I get this NEW guy who obviously has never done a "hands-on" inspection before.
I un-do my belt, flip up my collar, etc.

He's being VERY careful, asking me before he touches me anywhere -
"May I check your hair?" "Sure!"
He checks my hair -
"May I check your head?" "Absolutely!"
He checks my head -
"May I check your collar?" "Be my guest!"
Checks my collar.

Then he asks me, "Where is your pacemaker?"
I tell him it's under my left collard bone.
He asks me if he can SEE it - I tell him, "Not without some minor surgery!" and explain it's actually INSIDE me.

Now people are starting to kind if stare - and my colleagues are not able to control their laughter.
He feels around my middle - "What is that?" He asks.
"They call that my rib cage." I reply dryly.

THEN - he asks me to unbutton my shirt...!
Okay - THAT'S a new one for me, but what ever.
So I unbutton my shirt.
Now EVERYBODY'S watching me!
And then one of my wonderful colleagues yells out,
"Get a room!" and the whole place breaks out in laughter.

I felt sorry for the poor little red-faced security guy.
Life with a PM can be so much fun...!


Get a room!!!!

by Shelly - 2007-11-20 08:11:26

That's hilarious!!!

Great story dward - thanks for sharing :-)

Shelly (UK)


by jessie - 2007-11-20 09:11:48

actually i was checked in a small airport near my home, the young girl was unexperienced and asked me if she could use the wand. i said noooooooooo you need to feel with your hands and do a body check. i told her not to touch the area as it is still tender. i said but you may look at the scar which is on my right side not left. anyway i know it was her first check but at least i didn't have to remove clothes lol lol jessie

I would have flipped out

by kmcgrath - 2007-11-20 11:11:03

You have much more patience then I have and FWIW I recently went through Calgary airport and the hands on security pat down was a bit more thorough than most but not really a big deal. They actually ran my jacket through the x-ray machine at least 3x and they asked me if I had a knife in my jacket's pocket! This whole airline security nonsense is rightfully called "security theater" by some very knowledgeable security experts. Checkout Bruce Schneier's site & blog at A specific TSA airport security story can be found at:


Me too!!

by Janice - 2007-11-21 01:11:37

Hi, that is so funny. I was just through Calgary airport this last weekend. We were flying from Vancouver to Halifax, stopped at Calgary. I got through Vancouver's check ok., had a female security officer. When we were getting back on in Calgary, I informed them I had a pacemaker, and the guy said, ok can you stand over there and wait, I will get a female security. So my 11 year old had started through the electronic gate with my husband, and she still had her carry on in her hands, and they yelled at her to come back and put her bag on the belt, so she was startled, and thought she did something wrong, and I automatically went for her to tell her that she had to put her bag down, and I started without thinking going towards the electronic gate!! The guy yells Whoa, WHoa, Whoa!!!!!!! "YOU DON'T WANT TO GO THROUGH THERE!!" Good thing I realized what I was doing. So then I went back and the lady started patting me down. She seemed like she was very nervous, maybe new. She kept telling me every place she was going to touch! I was smiling away, and teasing her, saying Ohhhh! So then she asked me "is there anywhere I touch you that is sensitive or painful?" Well then I cracked up.!! She turned bright red, so then I thought ok I better be serious. So I said, I'm still a little sore around my incision. She said where is it? So I just pulled my shirt down under my collar bone to show her, she said Oh, that is the first one I've ever seen. so I said Did I make yoiur Day? She laughed and away I went. Pretty funny, I find alot of people have said to me when they find out I have a PM "Oh I'm sorry". I just say I'm not!!


TSA Check

by janetinak - 2007-11-21 04:11:08

Thanks for a good laugh. I love the big blue kitchen gloves that they use when checking. Not sure if they can feel much thru them but hey, whatever works to get us on the flying bus.


Oh my Goodness!

by pacergirl - 2007-11-21 09:11:49

That is the funniest security story I have ever heard! OMG! so very funny. I hope they never ask me to unbutton my shirt! hee hee.... who knows what I might do!
The "Get a room" comments from your friends bent me over in laughter!!! What a way to start my day.
Thank you so much for sharing....
So very, very funny.
pacergirl ....... still laughing!!!

What a laugh!

by ela-girl - 2007-11-21 12:11:44

Like CathrynB's hubby, I, too, was laughing so hard that my husband was like, "What's up with that club?!" This is such a great story...I'm so glad you shared it! I needed a laugh today..badly.


You know you're wired when...

You play MP3 files on your pacer.

Member Quotes

Yesterday I moved to a new place in my mind and realized how bad I felt 'before' and the difference my pacemaker has made.