Angina - post pacemaker

Hey folks,
I had an email this morning informing me that the club is celebrating it's 10th Anniversary - Congratulations!

This email came at a time when I'm struggling a bit, hence the posting. I'd really appreciate your comments.

I have a St Judes pacemaker in 2007 which solved my problems of Bradycardia. However, soon afterwards, I appeared to develop angina (I'm 37 and have no corornary artery disease, the angina I have is as a result of my heart going into spasms).
I went to see my cardiologist in July 2009 who prescribed an angina drug Diltiazem Hydrochloride 'Tildiem'. It was great and made me feel fab.

Unfortunately, I have recently has quite a troubled time, and have experienced quite a period of emotional upset. This resulted in me having the worst angina attack I've ever had - it has scared me. I am now taking another drug 'Ikorel', in addition to the Tildiem, but still have chest and arm pain (two weeks on).

My query is....Has anyone else developed angina following a PM? As I say, I am 37 and don't have any 'furring' arteries, my GP explained to me that the angina I have is caused by heart spasms. I'm beginning to get worried because the pains are still with me but don't want my condition to start ruling my life - again!

I'd be grateful fo your views and opinions
Tracey aka Noddy



by Toolooze - 2010-03-10 09:03:29

Sounds like you need to see your cardiologist. Your emotional upset is natural and expected but can probably exacerbate your other symptoms. I'm surprised the GP didn't prescribe something for that.

I hope you get relief!

Lead Location

by bobad - 2010-03-10 09:03:31

Placing leads is not very accurate, and a few MM off could cause spasms/pain. Anatomy is also different from person to person, so a good spot for the leads for most may not be a good spot for you. Most people don't feel the leads or any pacing pain, but some do. I know I did. I could always tell when I was pacing because of the dull burning pain. Luckily it did not cause any arterial or heart spasms.

I'm betting your doc will resist moving your lead. He should try drugs and voltage reduction first, but if they don't help, the lead may have to be moved.

Best of luck and health,,,

My Pacemaker!

by Seniorcitizen - 2010-03-10 12:03:44

I receoved my second pacemaker (3 leads) 1 l/2 years ago......It looks like a huge deck of cards or a pack of cigarettes but they tell me it is the "cadillac" or pacemakers. I am completely dependent on my pacemaker for LIFE. If it stops I die then and there. With the way the health system is going to be us senior citizens and going to be given no choices except death. We have outlived out usefullness.....Scary world we live in. Sould love to hear from one or all of you. Joan

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The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

Member Quotes

Today I explained everything to my doctor, he set my lower rate back to 80 and I felt an immediate improvement.