Drag Races

Just a question, because I'm curious.
Has anyone ever heard of possible problems from dragsters, funny cars, jet cars etc.?
I have been and never had a problem, but the question is there.



by Silversmith - 2007-08-15 06:08:34

Hey Debra,

I have been within about 50’ of some pretty good size dragsters and they have never bothered my pacemaker, so I’ll make a guess about whether drag racers can bother your pacemaker. There should be no problem from the electronics of the engines unless you are with a foot or two of them, but the vibrations from the engines could have some effect. This is especially true if you have a pacemaker that has the rate response turned on.

If your pacemaker does act up from some interference you should notice it as an irregular heart beat. If that happens, all you have to do is get more distance between you and the source and everything should return to normal operation, as there will be no lasting effect on your pacemaker.

Enjoy the races,


Race cars

by gmnordy - 2007-08-17 03:08:30

I was told not to lean over a car engine...so I am not sure about if drag cars from a distance would harm you.

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