
I am disappointed! All those questions from people about what to do if there hubby is in pain or people don't know what to do at work and need a chat. Well at work I work and if my hubby is in pain I make a call! And lemonade cleansing, really it sounds like a joke to me. Maybe very American, but I live in Asia and we have no lemonade overhere. We drink green tea and water or lemon with water or real fruit juices.We eat steemed rice and lots of soya stuff. Maybe some of you must check out how many people there are with heart problems in Asia in comparing to America. It has lots to do with a healthy diet. You hardly see fat people overhere. So less heartproblems too! If you think it is otherwise, please comment! Marijke



by jessie - 2009-04-11 01:04:20

it is funny because just being poor doesn't mean your choice is fat. the thing is the sizes of each food choice are large in north america unless you stick to weight watchers regime. also walking each day keeps weight healthy. in asia a lot of food is lower in fat than here . people there eat a lot of fish and chicken. i know because i lived in kerteh for awhile while my husband worked there. it is in southeast malaysia. it is a lovely country.it is choices and habit i think. it also can be an addiction. i did think your comments were judgemental as well. jessie


by Hot Heart - 2009-04-11 01:04:32

I was an extremely fit, not overweight, vegetarian and tee total female and now have a pacemaker.

Marijke, perhaps you do not have a total understanding of what some pacemakers do.

My third degree heart block is nothing to do with weight, lack of exercise, diet or any other lifestyle issue. It is an electrical fault in the heart wiring system, which can happen to anyone. My pacemaker passes a pulse between parts of my heart to make it beat consistently.

I am thankful that there are fewer people in Asia with heart problems, I donate money to many charities so this is one less issue for me to worry about.

HOWEVER........there are a lot of very poorly people who use this site, some of whom may have had a poor lifestlyle which could have contributed towards some of their problems. BUT far be it for me to judge anyone else; this site is a support group and the people on here have been of fantastic help to me, and others, without any prejudices regarding colour, creed, sexuality or social status, so I suggest that you may be a little more careful before posting such judgemental comments.


by Angelie - 2009-04-11 01:04:43

I don't really understand what you're disappointed about?
Are you complaining about some of the "stupid" questions that people post here, or you complaining about the obesity epidemic in the USA, or you disappointed that you don't have lemonade in Asia?

Some heart problems are not caused by obesity. Some of them are NOT the fault of ourselves, rather it just IS and we have to deal with them somehow. This site helps people vent their frustrations about their condition. This site helps people connect with others that have similar health issues, or family members with similar problems. Sometimes this site helps people find answers, and sometimes it's a place where we can just come and have fun and try to get our minds off of our ailments. This site is a SUPPORT site- I don't understand what disappoints you so.

I am disappointed that I am 33 years old and have been dealing with heart problems all of my life, and I AM NOT FAT (quite the opposite- mind you).
I am disappointed that I have had 4 heart procedures and will soon have my 5th next week. I am disappointed that I live in constant arrhythmia despite my pacemaker implant, and I am disappointed that I even have a device. I am disappointed that most days I feel horrible, but somehow find something to smile about and try to live each day to it's fullest- not taking one second for granted.
I am disappointed that you're disappointed, but I, among MANY others happen to like this place with it's sillyness, and gamut of questions. Life is what YOU choose to get out of it- and this site is NO exception.

When life throws you lemons, here in the states we make lemonade ( or as in Asia--- fresh lemons, water, and sugar)


Ohhhh and by the way!!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-04-11 01:04:55

In the UK obesity is actually linked to poor education, stress and being underpriviledged and many people turn to food because they have problematic lives. The foods which are the cheapest here in the UK are the ones made with animal fats, hydrogenated fats and saturated fats, so some of the very poorest people in this country are the ones who are forced to eat the unhealthy diets.

Well said Angelie it looks that we were both answering this post at the same time. Lots of luck with your operation next week. Happy Easter. HHx

We Are Diffferent People

by SMITTY - 2009-04-11 02:04:26

Hi Marijke,

I'm sorry we fail to fulfill all of your expectations of what ever it was you expected to find on this site. But let me tell you a little about "us".

What you read here on the Pacemaker Club site is from a very, very small percentage of the American population. As for someone asking what to do if there hubby is in pain, well did you ever stop and think about the fact that person may have already made the call you said you would make, but did not want to overlook the possibility there might be more she could do to help her hubby? You see, we know that the vast majority of us enjoy helping others and we encourage others to call on us if they think we can be of help.

As for the lemonade cleansing, many of us also look upon those remedies as possibly being a joke and would not consider trying such treatment. But the one thing we would not do is be critical of the person that uses such remedies and finds that they help them. You see we do a lot of live and let live in America. Just because I do something one way and my neighbor does it another way, I don't find fault with him. I never know when he may have a better way of doing something and I can learn from him.

As for my diet (but not everyone here would like my diet so they have the freedom to choose what like) I drink green tea and water or lemon juice with water, but I usually add a little sugar or artificial sweetener to mine and I drink lot of fruit juice every day. I also eat rice, I don't knows if you would call it steamed or not,but it has been boiled, but I don't eat it every day. As for the soya stuff, I'll leave that to other as I had just as soon be trying to library paste.

We have lots of fat people in America we can't deny that, and we know that a higher percentage our population have heart problems that do most Asians, but that is mainly because we live so much longer than most Asians. Heart problems among the elderly are every common no matter what part of the world the live in and the life expectancy in America is 78 years. I will be 80 years old next month and I had an Asian doctor a couple of years ago tell me that I had already lived many years longer than most people in his country as their life expectancy in his country was about 50 years. I know you have lots of old people ion your country, and that we have more people with heart problems than you do in your country, but we also have a higher percentage of our population that are elderly.

My suggestion to you is before you start being too critical of us and our life styles, come to America and walk in our shoes for a while. Get to know us and how we live and what we do. Then you may find that what you see on the cable news channels is not truly representative of who we are and what we are.

One final word about our country. We are proud to call America home and I don't think you will find one country in the world that does more to help others that are not as fortunate as we are. That is not to say we think we are perfect by any stretch of the imagination. My government does a lot of things of which I don't approve, but that same government does a lot of things that makes me say again I'm proud to be an American!

I wish you the best,


support group

by jessie - 2009-04-11 02:04:47

this is a support group and it is alright to ask questions about your husband's pain. it is okay to do that. there are lots and lots of caring people here who may have some good advice for the person who is scared and lonely regarding the issues with heart they are going thru themselves or their family member. believe me this is the best site for support in the world. jesie


by pacergirl - 2009-04-11 09:04:04

I am an American Chick and also a Pacer Chick! I have electrical problems with my heart. I was not overweight, out of shape, or sickly, worked out 3x times a week, volunteered in my community, had lots of friends, a full time job, a husband and children. I am not unlike many women my age in America today. It isn't my fault my heart has run out of power and went haywire.

I have read your profile and I see you are Dutch and a 57 year old female, married and living in Asia. I have a question for you which is:

Do you make many friends this way treating people like you do? Have you actually ever visited America? As a 57 year old female maybe you are just "menopausal" and have lost track of your senses.

So did you leave Holland to live in Asia because you were unhappy with their bad health or was it too many fat people? If my questions are too direct, please won't you forgive me, I am an American and we can be a bit outspoken especially when irritated.

I am very surprised by your comments. I have a hunch though that you might be just testing us. That maybe you would like to see how upset people might get. hummmmm I myself have said things while upset about something else and have needed to apologize. No body is perfect. So if you wish to make an nice, please let me know.

I have visited many European counties and have previously have lived in Germany for 10 years, I have Dutch friends! I now live in Kansas, USA. I have friends all over the world and I would never insult any country by saying such rude things about them. I am very surprised by you.

So, Pacer/ICD folks.... if you need to ask a question about your hubby, a new diet or are board at work... bring them on. If I choose not to reply... that is my choice. No problem.

Respectfully, Pacergirl

I'm confused......

by Pookie - 2009-04-11 09:04:24

I'm confused as I really don't understand what Marikje is disappointed about.

Would someone please explain it to me.

Perhaps I am wrong, but what I THINK is that Marikje is disappointed in our reasons for "complaining" when a lot of our medical problems could be helped or even elimated if we took care of ourselves better?

Perhaps I'm not understanding the post because I'm so "high" on my pain meds...sorry, I just had to say that.

People should try and understand that yes, this site is for people with pacers or defibs, but a lot of us suffer from other medical ailments too. And I am certainly guilty of posting things that have absolutely NOTHING to do with my pacemaker...because I have formed quite a few friendships on here and they always support me regardless of what issue I bring up.



by chip - 2009-04-11 12:04:45

Sounds like you may benifit from a little anger management!

I say it takes all kinds and to each his own.


by walkerd - 2009-04-12 07:04:43

Why do so many people from Asia and different places want to or have moved to the USA? Me thinks the couple of posts that have been posted are a few people just trying to start a bunch of problems on this website, and I for one think that if we wouldnt comment the problems might go away. Just a thought. whoops I posted a comment didnt I,lol, oh well. I for the life of me do not understand why some people have to try and start bad feelings around the world, and keep racism alive and well, read between the lines.

i am 67

by jessie - 2009-04-12 12:04:38

and dealing with my husband's liklihood of a shorter life because of heart disease. he worked very hard his whole life and he was always very slim and in good shape. his family history is heart disease and diabetus which he has inherited. he choses now at this stage of his life to have some ice cream occasionally. we eat a lot of fruit vegetables and a balanced diet of fish and meat. we have pork beef and chicken and sometimes lamb. he went thru bi-pass a year and a half ago and the results were not at all good. he works outside in the garden as he can still do this for five mnutes at a time and then rest. my brother had a cardiac arrest two weeks ago while they were replacing his pacemaker. he survived it but it was touch and go for 4 days. i have placed him in god's hands as he is recuperating at home. he is and always has been slim. emotionally at times i am labile and i would appreciate if you don't write anymore letters about americans or canadians and as you have upset a few people including me and you have no right to upset people here as you don't know diddly what you are talking about.. food is not the whole picture. i wish it was... please rethink your post and also do you have a pacemaker? jessie

You're kidding right?

by ShadowWeaver - 2009-04-13 12:04:11

Wow, talk about totally mis-understanding heart conditions and their relation to diet, etc. Yes, some heart problems are caused by diet, most are caused by old age and many are caused by a congenital defect (something wrong with the heart from birth). I am 34 years old. Before my heart problems, I could easily run 5 miles with no problem (when I was younger, I ran 18 miles every day). I am not overweight, but I am quite muscular. I have won national awards for martial arts and have been recognized internationally due to my martial arts philosophies and abilities. I eat healthy and work out on a regular basis. I manage a restaurant where I work about 65 hours a week on my feet and moving the entire time. My arteries are clear and I have no family history of heart disease. And yet, I have a pacemaker. Why? Because I have a condition called Sick Sinus Syndrome which is where the heart's natural pacemaker stops working properly. There is no known cause and the only things that make a person "high risk" for it is a heart attack (which I have never had), heart disease (which I don't have), heart surgery (which I have never had) and old age (which I haven't reached yet). There is nothing I could have done to prevent SSS. Many on this site are in the same spot I am. Despite everything done, they have a heart problem which aren't their fault. I saw a post earlier which illustrated the difference in life span between Asia and America, well, people over 65 are at highest risk of developing SSS. From that post, that is 15 years after the average lifespan of someone in Asia yet is about 10 - 20 years lower the the average lifespan of those in America. Which means that most in Asia will never get old enough to be at the highest risk while most in America will. Maybe you are disappointed that the medical care in America is so much better that we actually live long enough to encounter problems that those in Asia never have to think about because they know they won't live that long? So, which is really worse? Experiencing some problems because we live longer, or not experiencing them because you don't live that long?

Sorry all, but had to put in my two cents.


you need to get sum facts straight

by jose_arizona - 2009-04-14 10:04:38

i was born with my heart not working, i am skinny and eat right

You know you're wired when...

You know the difference between hardware and software.

Member Quotes

In fact after the final "tweaks" of my pacemaker programming at the one year check up it is working so well that I forget I have it.