ambulane chasers and Pacemaker club sell out

I can't believe Pacemaker Club gave or sold my email address to a bunch of ambulance chasing lawyers without my consent. How much did the Club get for the list??
It's bad enough to get telemarketing calls on my phone but for Pacemaker to sell out is very disturbing.
The lawyers could get this information from Medtronics and not have to hawk their wares through what I thought was a reputable organization.




by tman - 2007-11-20 05:11:21

... I have no involvement other than as the guy who runs the technical aspects of the site, but I can assure you that no one gave or sold your email addresses away. If they did, they would have to get them from me, and they are encrypted six ways to Sunday. First, giving, renting, or selling personal information would be a violation of the privacy policy (and privacy laws in Canada); and second, Blake is not that kind of person.

So your data was not given or sold in any way, shape, or form. I can personally attest to this.

Just my $0.02 worth.

CathrynB is right

by Papaguy - 2007-11-20 05:11:35

There is no proof that the data base information was given to anyone because it was received from and not from the lawyers' office. No other e-mail address appears on the message but mine. I saved the article in case that it might become useful information for the future.


by scpck - 2007-11-20 06:11:30

I am a moderator on another forum. I will tell you that it is quite easy to find other sites that are not so meticulous as this one.

If I google my screen name you can bet somewhere someone has my email address linked to that screen name. That's why on forums and picture sites etc, it is VERY wise to use a throwaway email address. Not that I have anything against Hotmail, but that's what I use for forums. That way it's not intrusive and if I don't want to read it I can tell the site to bump it into the trash or the junk pile and also to block the originating site.

If we are foolish enough to use our primary email, most programs will allow you a preview or a source preview panel. EBay taught me this. It may say something is from EBay or Pacemaker for example, but when you do the source you can see it originated in Nigeria, Brazil, New Guinea etc. So I seriously believe the administration here if they say they didn't give it out.

The internet isn't a novelty now, it's mainstream communications. And like the post office we have to be aware of who to read and who to leave in that big trash barrel. Plus something onece in th internet pipeline NEVER goes away. Try You can find a copy of almost any webpage as far back as their spider searched that day.

Email addy was spoofed?????

by Syrano - 2007-11-20 06:11:30

The email went into my spam folder and was deleted automatically before I tried to check the headers. However, I can tell you that for the address I have listed here, is NOT used with my Syrano persona, except here on Nor have I given out that particular configuration to other websites.

I won`t go into all the ways available to BCC emails to a mass grouping. Or the multitude of ways to acquire email addys either. Folks need to really understand a very basic rule of online communications. Anything you present to the internet in the form of information is open, despite any encryption, firewall, etc. Sorry.

Not true

by admin - 2007-11-20 10:11:10

Your email address was not sold or released to anyone. That would be against the law and the Club’s Privacy Policy. I take both very serious and guarantee you that the email originated from Pacemaker Club.

After serious consideration, I made the decision to send the email. I expected the email would generate debate.

I strongly feel that the benefits of pacemaker and ICD technology far outweigh the risks of having a device implanted. I’ve been an active recipient since 1978 so I’m living proof of this. It’s unfortunate that problems sometimes occur. When they do, I feel patients have a right to receive information that may help them. The decision to sue is a personal one. If I had a faulty lead, I honestly do not know what I would do.


Thank you!

by cottontop - 2007-11-21 02:11:02

I feel you made the right decision in sending each one of us an email. If there is a problem with my PM I would definitely want to know. I feel sometimes people get put in a position that if you had not let them know and someone found out they had those kinds of leads they would be unhappy they weren't notified. Kinda a darned it you do and darned if you don't. Keep up the good work.

God bless you,

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