Electrical / Conduction system Question

Electrical System Question -   If your SA node is completely non-functioning and your AV node is barely functioning, does a pacemaker replace the electrical / conduction system when the hearts natural pacing system is non working?


How it works

by Gotrhythm - 2021-10-05 14:07:13

Yes. The 2-lead pacemaker has one wire or lead which does the work of the SA node. It has another lead doing the work of the AV node.

The pacemaker senses the electrical activity in your heart and is programmed to only fire if your SA or AV nodes don't function on their own.

There is also kind of pacemaker called a His-bundle pacemaker which has one wire which goes into the His bundle. Because of its placement, it does the work of both SA and AV nodes.


by Terry - 2021-10-05 18:59:23

Yes, I agree with Gotrhythm. And, His bundle pacing is the only physiological method of pacing. Google His-pacing.

In fact, various studies find that His bundle pacing is effective in rescuing the 30% of "2-lead pacemaker" patients whom are "non-responders."


His pacing

by AgentX86 - 2021-10-06 14:37:39

His pacing is wonderful for those who it's useful for and with an EP skilled in performing the procedure. It doesn't do anything to answer. ALHEART's question,  however.

Bundle of His

by AgentX86 - 2021-10-09 13:33:42

Terry doesn't read the threads he posts to, at all.  He does a web search on "His Bundle" and posts the same thing.  It's a bot.

Feel free to check our website

by Terry - 2021-10-09 15:58:42

I like to suggest His-pacing because, with some browsers, it takes you to the Pacemaker Patient Advocacy website. His and left bundle branch pacing is the new paradigm. It's the go-to method of pacing at placs around the world, in fact, you don't even have to Mayo or Cleveland Clinic to get cardiac conduction system pacing. I feel conscience bound to help prevent what your doctor calls "pacing induced cardiomyopathy."

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Dual Chamber Pacer

by Stache - 2021-10-19 20:01:02

I had a 3rd-degree complete heart block and now have a dual-chamber pacer (two wires) implanted pacing 100% of the time to beat my heart for me.  I receive micro shocks to beat my heart as my SA node and AV node are both dead.  I was implanted 8-months ago and blue tooth tracked 24/7 by Abbot.

I am a very active 67-year-old and ride a bicycle a lot and my pacer adjusts to my exercise walking or riding.  It’s nice to know my pacer came with a 10-year battery warranty.  So far I have had no issues with my pacer beat at 60 bpm way better they before at 30 bpm.

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