Help two days after ep study and PM install - PVC’s

Hi everyone,

I was diagnosed with rate related left bundle branch block a couple of years ago which then became left bundle branch block. I've had every test possible and they can't find any issues apart from the slow left bundle. Apparently whilst very rare it can just happen (in very rare cases) and is "unlucky". They said it shouldn't be dangerous however it really affected my exercise capacity, so they said I could have a PM.

I had an EP study followed by a two lead pacemaker implant on Tuesday (two days ago) and ever since I have been really suffering with palpitations/extra beats/PVC's.
I noticed from looking online that these can be common after an EP study and heart exams in general but I wondered if anyone here had suffered and how long they lasted after the procedure? I have had them before but not like this. I figured maybe my heart is still recovering from the procedures but they are really getting me down.
I feel shit about having the PM fitted and am also struggling a little with coming to terms with it. I'm young and have no mates who have one..if fact I know no one with one and it just feels like my life has stopped, is this the new normal? will I feel better? Will I actually be able to cycle again?
Anyway rant and moan over. Would appreciate any advice from anyone.




Will ever live again?

by AgentX86 - 2022-02-10 22:14:00

Hi Andy, welcome to the club.  Sorry you're here

Most of us have gone through what you're going through now.  Yes, PVCs and all that are a very common result of any heart pprocedure, particularly a pacemaker implant.  The heart gets pissed at being disturbed.  It takes it a little while to get used to being paced. It shouldn't take too long for your heart to come around.  There may be things that your EP can do to help.  They set mine back to 80bpm (after dropping it to 70bpm, on its way to 60bpm) to outrun the PVCs. It worked.  There are other things that can be done to help but you're only two days into this. Give it some time.

No this isn't the end of your life, it's only the beginning.  I've been paced for four years and have never felt better. From what you've said, your SI node is normal so cycling should be absolutely no problem.

It's normal to be "down" after any surgery and a "surprise" can be difficult to deal with for a while.  The fact is that you'll soon forget that you have a PM and just get on with life. It'll be like your navel.  You know it's there but you don't spend all day contemplating it.

Same here, slightly different but close enough

by Persephone - 2022-02-10 22:30:52

Hi Andy - nice to meet you.  I think it's great that you had the care of a doctor who perceived what was going on and recommended treatment before ... who knows what.  In other words, you got the treatment (PM implant) in a timely fashion before things went farther south.

I had RBBB instead of LBBB, but when that "noted but unconcerning and not uncommon" block decided to progress, boy, did it go fast to 2nd - 3rd degree block. I had to have emergency surgery with no prior notification that a PM was even a possibiity - I had no idea what to expect but lo, all of a sudden I had the PM.  I remember very clearly the tech at my 5-day follow up saying "all looks good, now go out and live your life"... and I had no clue how to even interpret that directive.  Anyway, you made the right move.  It will get better.  Stay in touch with the good people here and keep asking questions here and of your medical team.

Thanks guys

by Griffin2187 - 2022-02-11 06:31:51

Thanks guys, really appreciate the support. I am only day three so I'll be patient...weirdly if it wasn't for the horrible palpitations I'd actually admit that I feel better. I haven't really moved much for the past couple of days, so I'll go for a walk as maybe that will help....I just feel down and annoyed. 


by MinimeJer05 - 2022-02-11 12:46:19


As others have said, we are sorry to hear that you have to join us, but welcome to the club anyways!

My situation was similiar in the sense that I had no idea -- I was just an average 29-year old living his life and then I fainted after getting up from a chair. Next thing you know im experiencing weird vision issues the following day and then have LBBB and need an electro study and a PM. Days later, they said "oh you'll be back to normal in a week" and I have been everything but normal. 

This was implanted back in Sept of 2021 and I STILL feel off. Although I have gone down a few other paths and don't think my current vision issues are directly related to the PM.

Long story short though, yeah, initially I was having all sorts of issues. Couldn't sleep, couldn't do much of anything without feeling like the PM was giving me troubles or causing my heart to race/over-react to just about anything.

Give it time. Time heals most problems. I'd say if you still feel this exact way in a few months, then something needs to be done. Otherwise, slowly (and I do mean slowly), allow yourself to return to normal. Drink lots of water, keep the diet balanced and try to incorproate exercise into the mix.

I've been having a string of really bad days as of late, but otherwise they're mostly surrounded by good ones. I think the mental struggle of needing the PM and not understanding why I don't feel instantly better (which isn't fair to the PM) has been my biggest struggle and while I don't think that I have made peace with it yet, I can say that I am trying to actively change my perspective on life and trying to focus on what I CAN still do vs what I can't (which is nothing, I just feel crappy doing things). 

Trust the process, don't be afraid to engage other members and keep in communication with your cardiologist and general doctors. You might feel weird for a while (lots of people notice tingling/numb/sore/pain in PM area or on that side of body) and while it might feel like something horrible is happening, it's actually common and usually normal.

Keep an eye on any shortness of breath, tightness of chest or sharp pains. Note if they happen, for how long and if you can recreate them or not. If anything seems like an ER visit, don't hesitate to call or go. Otherwise, try not to worry your mind (that's the biggest and hardest challenge).

You're gonna be ok!

Take care


I have left and right

by NOFEAR-ZN - 2022-02-11 13:10:42

I have left and right I'm 43 old

I went through the same things and you. but trust me you will forget you have a pacemaker.

I'm living a normal life give it a few weeks.


re new PM

by blowhard - 2022-02-12 01:52:26

Andy you will come right and be better than ever.LBB can reduce your exercise capacity so having the PM was the best thing to do...I am a hugh exerciser and have much less problems than before...let the PM settle, get your PM mechanic to sort the electrical stuff out...(i had severel visits to her to get that right)...they are very good and keen to get you back to normal.Dave

similar experience

by Kbob - 2022-03-06 21:07:51

Hi Andy,

I am 2 weeks out from receiving my pacemaker.  I can tell you the encouraging words and information from everyone on ths site is invaluable.  In just 2 weeks, I feel much better than after day 2. A little walking each day has helped me a lot.

I have similar experiences with heart palpitations that are annoying and a source of anxiety.

I am taking in the words of everyone here to give this all time.  It's alot to adjust to.

Recover well and thank you all.






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