Survey Results: Post Pacemaker/ICD Implant Pain

Hello everyone,

In case you missed my original message dated 15th February 2022, I am again attaching a Dropbox link to a PDF where you can view the Survey results on post pacemaker/ICD implant pain.  There were 322 respondents and your help has been invaluable.

If any member wishes to comment on the results of the Survey, please feel free to do so in the “Add Comment” section below and thank you to all those who have already commented in private messages and publicly.   All comments whether positive or negative are welcome.  It is your Survey, so please feel free to make your feelings known, so that we can try to change things for the better in the future.

You will need to copy and paste the link below into your main browser to activate it and to view the PDF, since the link will not open automatically by clicking on it.

With best wishes to you all and my thanks again, Gemita


Some comments received . . .

by Gemita - 2022-02-24 07:48:28

Some members have remarked that the Survey didn't mention the “emotional difficulties” some of us face from needing a pacemaker which may well be a strong trigger for their ongoing pain symptoms, or likely to make these worse. 

Other members have written to say that more attention needs to be placed on keeping a patient “comfortable” immediately following their device placement, even if this requires a stronger pain medication in the form of a short course of an Opioid, for example, or other medication to help with any initial acute symptoms.  Many felt Tylenol was ineffective even at high doses, so something stronger was often needed  However I am mindful of the concern over Opioid dependency and the fact that coming off these meds can prove so difficult.

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Pacemakers are very reliable devices.