New member - recent first pacemaker implant

Hello everyone, I'm new to the Club, having had my first PM implanted on 1st March.

I'm trying to walk every day and currently managing about 3k to 4k steps before becoming tired and having to stop. I still have some occasional muscle aches in my upper left arm and lower left chest, nothing major, just the odd twinge. I'm eating and sleeping OK.

I had a first check of the PM at the hospital cardio clinic a week after surgery and they said everything is fine - my next check is on 13 April. I also had my outer stitches removed last Thursday at my local medical practice and they say my wound is healing up fine.

I have three questions:

From what I can see on here, 16 days since the op is very early days for lots of people - is that right?

I know everyone heals at a different rate, but when might I expect to see more progress with returning to normal levels of activity? (for me, that means about 7-8k steps a day without struggling).

I think one of my biggest issues is restoring confidence in going out, travelling and being more active, especially away from home. Any tips which might help me with this would be very much appreciated.

Thanks in advance for any advice and support, being part of this group is hopefully going to help!




recent implant

by Julros - 2022-03-16 15:10:44

Hi JG1965, and welcome to the club! 

Yes, 16 days is pretty early, but good news that your chest and arm pain is minimal and that you can sleep. 

How well you improve depends on why you got a pacer, and the settings. At implant, the factory settings are used, and are not yet optimised for the individual. As you heal, they will change the settings, and you should let the clinic know about your activity level. I know for myself, my pacer wasn't really responding to my level of activities of running and cycling, and it took some tweeking. Plus, as I lost weight, I felt ever so much better. 

Best wishes on your recovery, and yes, you will feel better. 

Reent implant

by Roger A - 2022-03-16 19:17:56

I agree with Julros, each person has a different situation and health needs, but overall your pacemaker will have to be adjusted and tweeked as you go forward, mine was implanted one year ago yesterday, I had only one adjustment since. I am feeling okay but I did not improve my EF much yet, so as for you walking and running it might take some time before you do that, just don't stop walking and keeping active. You will get better, just take your time and don't push yourself and don't expect so much so soon.

Good luck and keep going, never give up


New pacemaker

by TAC - 2022-03-16 20:53:02

I took me about 3 months to feel almost physically normal. However, it took me a year to get used to the device and accept it as a "friend". For the first year I was very self conscious of the PM. I was always afraid of a malfunction. Now after 4 years, it has been adopted as another of my natural organs. Hardly think of it.

New member

by Theknotguy - 2022-03-17 19:47:18

Welcome to the club you didn't want to join!

Q:From what I can see on here, 16 days since the op is very early days for lots of people - is that right?
A: I had my first review while still in the hospital.  They usually do a quick check early on.

Q:I know everyone heals at a different rate, but when might I expect to see more progress with returning to normal  levels of activity? (for me, that means about 7-8k steps a day without struggling).
A:Everyone heals at a different pace.  It just depends upon what shape you were in when you got the pacemaker,  how your body heals, how you feel, etc. How you feel now will not be true next week, and how you feel next week won't be the same for the week after.  If you didn't have much trauma before getting the pacemaker and are in good shape you should recover quickly.

Q:I think one of my biggest issues is restoring confidence in going out, travelling and being more active, especially  away from home. Any tips which might help me with this would be very much appreciated.
A:Mostly it's just getting out and doing things as you feel like it.  I think it was nine months before I got out of the car, walked across the parking lot, and didn't think about my pacemaker.  If you do something and get tired, don't push it.  Just take it easy until you feel better.

Mainly it's having a good attitude and continuing to get out and do things.

Hope the adjustment to your new pacemaker continues to go well.

You know you're wired when...

You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

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I am active and healthy and have been given a second chance.