Ultimate Frisbee Diving/Layouts

Hi all 👋 

I've recently started playing Ultimate Frisbee, does anyone know it would be safe to do layouts like these (https://youtu.be/eFK3oOWIdxc) with my pacemaker (if unable to watch the video, its like diving forwards and landing on ground, I guess like a try dive in rugby)? Would wearing a guard make it safer?

I'm 99.9% sure I shouldn't so didn't want to ring up the doctors, but just wondering if this is the sort of contact I should avoid or if doctors meant to avoid collisions with other people more.



by Tracey_E - 2022-04-05 09:23:56

Usually they are referring to collisions with other people, an elbow or kick that will dislodge the pacer in its pocket. You aren't going to hurt the pacer, it's made of titanium. Us on the other hand, we bruise up pretty easily.

I don't think the guard would help, it would just change up how you get the bruise. Most of the ones intended for pacers have a rubber shield that goes over the pacer. If you did a dive like that, I think the shirt would just slide and possibly cause more trouble than going without. 

I caught the edge of my pacer scaling a wall in a Spartan race. Hurt like crazy and was bruised for weeks, moved the pacer permanently so now it sticks out if I raise my arm. But it didn't damage the pacer itself or the leads. My doctor knows I did the race and I sent him a muddy finish line picture. He loves that I'm active and I'm honest with him about what I do (mostly running and Crossfit). I've had an eye roll or two but so far he's never told me no. I've been paced since 1994. 

Some doctors might tell you no, some say no to all sorts of things my doctor is ok with. I chose him because he encourages activity, and he is an adult congenital specialist so sees a lot of young, active people who are paced for a lifetime. Many doctors only have one or two paced patients young enough to even want to do extreme sports, so they are guessing and have no personal experience. 


by AgentX86 - 2022-04-05 12:40:36

The general advice is "no contact sports". I'd consider this header "contact" (with the ground).  OTOH, it doesn't seem to be direct on the PM or shoulder.  Falling this way usually causes the hip, stomach, or lower ribs (ouch) to hit first. It's pretty hard to fall shoulder/upper chest first.  You're not going to hurt the PM.  The leads would be my worry but doing any damage to them would be more like breaking a collar bone.  I don't see how that could happen with a dive like that.  However a collision with another player might.  In that case, I'd consider it a "contact sport" and then on the no-no list. Perhaps you could check on the number of broken collar bones among the players.  That may give you an idea of how exposed that part of the body is.

I'd check with my cardiologist, unless I wanted the answer that I didn't want.  He's pretty open about things and encourrages excercise (and thinks I'm a nut for walking as much as I do).

Define safe

by Gotrhythm - 2022-04-06 14:25:22

Nothing about the move you describe sounds "safe." [shakes head, chuckles] Just my opinion, but I'm thinking the pacemaker is the part least likely to suffer damage. Collar bones, elbows, necks, and things like that are in more danger.

I understand that you don't want to ask your doc for fear of being told no, but suppose you didn't ask for permission? Suppose you asked, "What are the actual risks to my pacemaker associated with my sport?"

"If the worst happened and I took a blow directly on the pacemaker, what's the worst that would happen? What kinds of damage to pacemakers have you seen? Is the damage more likely to happen to the pacemaker or is the problem dislodging the leads?"

Once you've heard the doc's opinion and know what the actual risks are, make up your own mind.

If you're asking the question, you're obviously in good shape, and enjoy vigorous, challenging athletics. I'm also guessing you're young and this might be your first pacemaker, but it won't be the last. That makes me think this question, "but what about my pacemaker?" will come up again and again.

Better you thoroughly inform yourself about the worst that could possibly happen and how likely that would be. And then decide for your self what risks you are willing to take.

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I am just thankful that I am alive and that even though I have this pacemaker it is not the end of the world.