
Thanks for your replies.  I am going to be on the safe side and will not use the tens on my back.  Why don't chiroprotors know this about pacers and not use them on a person who has a pacer.   


They're not required to know

by Persephone - 2022-05-30 11:45:11

I'm sorry that you're having pain that would lead you to work with a chiropractor, but my thought is that chiropractors aren't required to learn this particular aspect of treatment, so they may not ever do it, and it's up to the patient to coordinate treatment with the cardiologist - or find a specialist who did learn about pacers.

Required to know

by AgentX86 - 2022-05-30 20:57:51

If they aren't required to know, why would you trust them to know? When in doubt,  don't.

Choose Your Poison--or--Danger is EVERYWHERE--or--How big does a danger need to be?

by Gotrhythm - 2022-05-31 14:49:00

If you read the package inserts that come with any medication, even over the counter ones, you will see that this product is known to cause some problems in some people.

Still, you read the package and take the Tylenol (liver damage), asprin (stomach ulcers) or Aleve, (increased chance of heart attack) anyway. Why? Because those problems might happen to somebody someday, but your head hurts today.

As I said in a different comment, TENS was used on my back several times over a period of several weeks with no ill effects. But is it posssible that a TENS could intefere with the pacemaker? Yes. Did I just get lucky? Or is the actual chance of a bad result just really, really low?

We don't know. The chiropractor doesn't know. Nobody knows.

Nobody can tell you TENS is absolutely safe. Nobody can tell you how much real danger there is.

I know I said I probably wouldn't use it on my back, but if my back hurt bad enough and TENS helped more than anything else, I'd probably take a chance on it. But that's me. The answer might be different for someone with a different heart condition.

Sometimes in this far from perfect world, the best you can hope for is the remedy that has the best possiblity of success with the least (or most tolerable) risks.


TENS and pacemakers

by TAC - 2022-06-02 11:31:26

"Non surgical desompression"? It doesn't exist. Spinal stenosis is a mechanical problem in which the spinal channel has become narrow due to degenerative arthrits or a herniated intervertebral disc. Only a mechanical widening of the spinal channel can remedy the problem. TENS treament only numbs the pain. It doesn't widen the narrowing of the spinal channel. The use of electric medical devices too close to a pacemaker, can affect the PM electrical mechanism. Same precautions apply for the use of electro-cautery.


tens and pacemakers

by pogerm1 - 2022-06-03 02:18:28


I don't understand your comment that "non surgical decompression doesn't exist.   The chiropractor has a cot like bed that they strap you in and it moves up and down the spine and it is supposed to widen the spinal channel.  After the treatment is when they used the TENS, I don't know why they used it but I couldn't get a good answer so I checked it out and that is when I read that a TENS should not be used on the torso.  I agree with you that it probably was used for pain.

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