
Talked to my EP on Tuesday and discussing symptoms so I told him that I am having funny episodes of a racing heart beat in the shower. I have tried turning the heat down and still getting it and it's not something that happens at the beginning of the shower, it's towards the end. So after a bit of discussion about that it turns out that when I'm washing my hair,the vigorous movements of my arms is setting off my rate response setting and it thinks I'm running 🤣 I've been trying to figure that out for weeks! He says my rate response setting is a bit turbocharged and needs dialled down a bit. So I might have a very clever pacemaker but it's not that clever 🤣

Who knew! 


A turbo charged pacemaker

by Gemita - 2022-09-15 06:38:20

Oh you need to give me your magic rate response (RR) setting Toni.  My RR hasn't made an ounce of difference so far.  Beginning to wonder if it was ever turned on but will find out when I return to clinic on 5th October.  From what others tell us here, RR can be very sensitive to movement, so I can understand what you are saying.   I hope your RR can be adjusted sooner than your next clinic appointment in December?

Raising my arms and keeping them raised for short periods of time has in the past triggered symptoms of breathlessness and irregular heart rhythms.  If there is already a problem with circulation of our blood say as might occur during an arrhythmia like AF, when we raise our arms our heart has to work even harder to pump blood.  We may then experience increased heart rates to compensate, to try to keep our blood flowing especially to the brain.  That is my personal take on it anyway.  

RR can be difficult to adjust to suit our personal needs and may require lots of fine tuning.  My technician was also concerned in case turning on my RR triggered increased arrhythmias, so this will be a learning process for me too


by Lavender - 2022-09-15 10:26:44

So you're getting your exercise in the shower! Multitasking and working that heart out! Lovin' it🤣

Hair washing

by Persephone - 2022-09-15 11:00:05

Hmm... maybe your finding explains why I haven't been able to tolerate washing my hair in the shower any more - I have had to go to the "bend over the side of the bathtub and use the handheld shower head" method which makes it more of a horizontal activity compared to standing. Hmm... Thanks for sharing your experience!


by AgentX86 - 2022-09-15 15:04:12

I'm with Gemita. Give my device tech your settings! I have mine set to the most sensitive and fastest response available but it's not enough for me. I certainly don't get a thrill in the shower.

You know you're wired when...

You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

Member Quotes

A properly implanted and adjusted pacemaker will not even be noticeable after you get over the surgery.