Anyone round for a chat

I am going to chat room for a while. It is 7.14am here in Australia. Anyone want to give me thir time in America so I can get a handle on the time difference Cheers


World Time Zones

by POCKETS - 2007-12-10 04:12:14

Right now in Mississippi it is - 2:24 PM, 12-10-07. I have found a quick and easy way to fine the time any place in the world is go to and put in The World Clock - Time Zones. For example that site tells me that right now in Brisbane it is Tues. 6:24 AM.


by slowhands - 2007-12-10 05:12:20

Here in Minneapolis (Central standard time) we are 6:00 hours less that Grenwich mean time, otherwise known as UTC. Because of globalization, perhaps everyone will soon swithc the UTC. But we're so used to calling "noon", which is a local variable, twelve o'clock that it would start out seeming strange calling it 18:00.

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