Nightly remote checks

Good evening all, I've had the pacemaker since September 2022 and every night the pacemaker  runs a check at 1230. The last 3 nights the tests have completely stopped is this something to be worried about please? I pace 1% in the first 3 months. 


Ask your monitor service

by Lavender - 2023-01-02 17:09:15

I'm assuming you have a monitor. You can call the company and they can let you know if the monitor is transmitting ok. A lot of folks don't even have a monitor. 

Your pacemaker works whether you have a monitor or not. When I first got mine, I was aware of every sensation. Now that it's almost two years, I don't notice so much except for a vague feeling of electrical sensation/vibration as I fall asleep and when I'm drowsy as I awaken. 

Your best source for the answer you're seeking is your pacemaker clinic or monitor supplier. My boston scientific came with a booklet that says how to check if the monitor is ok. I also have a phone app to check it. 

Yes contact your clinic or the manufacturer

by Gemita - 2023-01-02 17:13:44


When you say they run a test every night, I presume you mean they run a maintenance type check which you feel, although I would hope you are able to sleep through this?  If on the other hand you mean they automatically transmit data from your pacemaker to your clinic each night at 12.30 am, then this would be different.  If it is the latter, have you tried turning off the power and then turning on the monitor again to see whether you can clear the problem, or sending a transmission manually to see if it goes through to your doctors?  

Have you moved the monitor and does it have a good cellular signal?  Are there any Error messages on the monitor screen to indicate what the problem is likely to be?  Read your instructions for clues. Is the Reader properly placed on the monitor base. Check battery of reader also.  They may be carrying out maintenance.  Lots of possibilities.  Tomorrow I would let your clinic know that it hasn't transmitted data automatically for three days and see what they have to say.

Unless you have a serious heart condition or arrhythmia that needs to be monitored nightly, without fail (and it doesn't look as though you have?) I wouldn't be unduly concerned.  This used to happen to me with my Medtronic telephone monitor, if this is what you have?  They can be temperamental, so advise you contact Medtronic or your clinic. 

I see you are in the UK.  Medtronic heart product BeConnected support phone number is:  00800-266-632-82.  I have rung them on a few occasions and they have always been helpful.  If you have your Pacemaker details to hand they will answer many of your questions about times and dates of transmissions for example so they should be able to confirm what has happened.  As Lavender says, your pacemaker will continue to work in any event, so please don't worry

Nightly check

by Debbie01 - 2023-01-03 04:07:07

Thank you both,  I felt a ticking in my chest 1230 last night again. Will ask at my next appointment  thank you x

Nightly check?

by cjalaska - 2023-01-04 22:37:56

Mine does that too and since I usually work 4 pm to midnight I am always awake when it runs the check. For me, I can feel the when they interrogate the pacemaker but it is a much shorter duration. Only a second or two. I just relax and try and breathe normally. Since I am not a doctor, definitely ask your cardio doc.

Nightly test

by Debbie01 - 2023-01-05 16:10:40

Thank you for the comments. I've felt the ticking in my chest every night since but will check at my next appointment thank you everyone x

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