
hi i am a 17 year old girl with a pacemaker. i had my pacemaker implanted when i was 14. i wasnt really told what i can and annot do and what to avoid. can any1 help me out with this??



by lucybell - 2007-12-26 03:12:48

Hi- I am a 27 year old girl and I just got my pacemaker. I think that the best person to tell you what you can and can not do is your doctor. He should know what your lifestyle is like. I know mine told me what activities I should do- I think that each person is different. Just call your doctor or his nurse- they give great advice.


by impacing - 2007-12-26 05:12:09

hi lucy ty 4 replying :) i have tried asking my doctor but he never gives me a straight answer. he alz seems soo busy lol.


by Suzzy - 2007-12-26 05:12:27

I agree with with the above in the sense of having a conversation with your Doctor. Also, knowing within yourself your limits, and knowing enough to stop what your doing if you are noticing any pains, irregularities, etc..

Keep smiling!


by SMITTY - 2007-12-26 05:12:30


Before saying anything, let me say that I'm in total agreement with Lucy Bell about checking with your doctor on what you should or should not do so far as your pacemaker is concerned. With that said I want to further mention that you got your pacemaker because of some heart condition. Whatever that condition is, or was, it could have a direct impact on your activities today, pacemaker or no pacemaker, so please clear any new activity with the doctor.

I'll now offer a suggestion; do anything you think you are big enough to do so long as none of those things involve some activity that can cause to get a direct lick on the pacemaker site. While a hard lick on the pacemaker is not likely to harm it, it could result in damage to the leads. Pacemakers themselves are very durable little devices.

You apparently have had yours for about three years, and if you are having no problems at the implant site, I doubt that it would restrict your activities, except those that may cause to you to get a blow to the implant area.

I want to emphasize, your doctor must be the one that has final say on what you should or should not do as that is the person that knows all of the particulars for your having a pacemaker.

Now I’ll tell you what I have avoided since I got my pacemaker. Of course, I’m only 61 years older than you, but that little age difference should not be of any significance. I simply forget that I have a pacemaker and do anything I want to do. I’ve had mine almost eight years and that has been my attitude since it was about six months old.

Since the doctors saw fit to raise my low set point from 60 to 70, my PM works more than 90% of the time. But, I also have the advantage of knowing that if it quit working this minute I would not die. My heart rate would drop back to its normal 50 to 60 BPM. Of course I would start to feel bad in a day or so, but I could limp along until I saw a doctor. I point this out to show that most of us have different reasons for having a PM and there will likely be different repercussions should we lose the benefit of the PM.

So start thinking of yourself as a sibling of the Energizer Bunny and go have some fun.

I wish you the best,



by lucybell - 2007-12-26 09:12:27

Hi Ty- well see if you can talk to one of his nurses- when I call I always just ask to talk to one of them. That being said- your doctor should make time for all of your questions- he is not doing this for free- you are paying him good money to answer your questions. I might suggest making a list of things you would like to ask him and take it with you to the appointment or have it near when you are on the phone. That way you do not get distracted and forget what to ask- it is easy to do. My activity level has always been high- I have had a lot of trouble running because of the discomfort. Biking, elliptical and lifting have all been fine- be careful of the weight limit. But some people run with ease- I think it depends on the person. Listen to your body- if it hurts stop. I would absolutely avoid anything that sends kicks or punches to your chest. My doctor advised me against swimming, but obviously other people with PM's do swim. I think it depends entirely on the person and doctor:) Try the list- it might do the trick!

Fellow teen...

by uvagershwin - 2007-12-27 02:12:02

Hello! I got my PM when I was 15 hours old because of congenital heart block. My doctor told me not to play contact sports and to try to stay away from magnets and appliances that use magnets, i.e. microwaves. Other than that, you should be able to lead an almost normal life.

Hi !

by Vai - 2007-12-27 02:12:15

You have many helpful comments already. I will add just 2 comments.
- You already have the PM for 3 years which means the device is well anchored in your body. You should refer to the manual/website to learn about the activities and the equipment that can interfere with the workings of the PM
- Distinguish the type of limitations of activities constrained by your heart condition vs. doing damage to the PM. Only your doctor can tell you the activities to avoid for your heart condition.
Examples of the above
1. Equipment or sites with strong magnetic fields may interfere with the working of the PM
2. Certain contact sports expose you to direct hits on the chest could damage the PM
3. Locations at high elevations & thin oxygen is not for some people with a heart condition (who have a PM). This restriction is not due to the PM but due to the heart condition.
4. Certain sports like scuba diving is prohibited for patients (with PM) with a certain heart condition. This restriction is due to the heart condition and has nothing to do with the PM.
5. Some activities (sun tanning) are off limits due to the medication you are prescribed for your heart condition. The UV rays interact with the medication and cause a bluish pigmentation on the skin.

The best suggestion in the other responses to your post is to make a list of all the activities you want to do and ask the doctor. Show the list to him in your next visit.

thankyou every1

by impacing - 2007-12-28 07:12:08

hey every1 thankyou for all of your replies :) i guess i should probably tell you all a little bit about myself. i had a pacemaker put in for complete av congentital heart block when i was 14 but the syptoms i was displaying leading up to the implantation were very unusual. i kept fainting alot which i know is normal. but i was also having episodes of confusion and apparent psychosis. after the pm was implanted all of this stopped. i suffer anxiety due to stuff that happened b4 the implantation which limits my life. ive been in and out of hospital since then due to some minor complications such as low bp. i was put on beta blockers which i had an adverse reaction to so im not taking any medications anymore. i dnt really trust my doctor 4 my own personal reasons lol. but i will ring his nurse and ask her all of the questions i want to know about :) i think i have a new doctor now i am in the adult hospitals :P

ty again 4 replying i nearly had an anxiety attack posting that post. lol

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