can anyone help.

I had my pacemaker put in when i was 14. I am now nearly 20 and it lies very close to the surface of my skin, you can see the outline of it. The site is very tender and sore. I have been to my gp and because i have at least 3 years left in the battery the just put me on painkillers. The problem is i dont want to be on painkillers long term for something fixable. My question is do you think they will replace/ reposition it early for me?


There is help...

by pacergirl - 2010-06-06 09:06:06

My only suggestion is... Find another doctor.

There is no reason that I can see that you should be on pain killers for 3 YEARS! That makes no sense to me at all. If your doctor continues think that 3 years on pain meds is ok, ask if it were his pacemaker pain would he wait 3 years for treatment? Then ask for a referral to see another dr. perhaps.

I wish you luck. I don't like to hear of this type of problem where the Dr. just wants to medicate.


ask again

by Tracey_E - 2010-06-06 10:06:29

Living on pain killers is crazy! My guess is the gp hasn't seen anything like it before and it hesitant to mess with it. Ideally you want to wait until the battery goes but it sounds like you'd be better off repositioning it sooner. Have you talked to your cardiologist or ep? I'd start there, possibly consult with a plastic surgeon. I had a bunch of scar tissue built up from multiple replacements that was getting uncomfortable. When I had my last replacement, my ep brought in a plastic surgeon to clean it up and comfortable again.

EP or cardio

by justme - 2010-06-06 11:06:13

Your GP really can't do anything for you except for perscribe meds, but should be telling you to go to your EP or cardio, there is no reason for you to have to deal with this for 3 years until the battery runs out. And you are correct 3 years on pain killers is unacceptable. If your GP doesn't agree find another one. For the pm issue go to your cardio or EP.


by LS - 2010-06-07 06:06:29

I'd quit seeing him and get to your cardioligist or EP.
No reason to be on pain killers that length of time.
Any time there is a PM issue, your heart Dr. should be who you're seeing.


by auntiesamm - 2010-06-07 10:06:35

Get yourself to your cardiologist ASAP. I doubt very much the cardio would agree with the use of painkillers as your GP has prescribed. Have you tried over-the-counter meds for pain? After this length of time you may well be dependent on painkillers, depending on what you are taking. The cardiologist can assess your situation and not want you to wait 3 years until the battery runs out. That just doesn't make any sense to me and I have worked in healthcare most of my career, though now retired. My pacer can be seen as my skin has thinned with age, however, I have never had pain at the site. Hurry, hurry, hurry to the Cardiologist and let us know the outcome. You will most definitely be on my prayer list! Take care and God bless.
Sharon (So CA)


by NONELECTRIC - 2010-06-20 08:06:43

Please go to your pacemaker clinic ASAP. I have had a pacemaker for 30 years and after a battery change 2 years ago, it just did not seem right. The skin was very thin, it took 2 years but the battery eroded through the skin and I had to have all the wires and box removed, also several infections. This was in March of this year and I am still recovering. You are the best judge of your body. DO NOT WAIT................The life of the battery is not the issue.

See someone else

by CdnAngel - 2010-06-30 12:06:32

I had the same problem in March. I have had a pacer in that pocket for over 20 years. My surgeon made a new pocket under the muscle. Unfortunately, this one is eroding too so I'm sure we'll be moving everything over to the right side soon.

I find that GP's generally don't know very much about pm's... Call your pacer clinic, they'll get you in to see a surgeon pdq!!!

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