
Testing continues for my upcoming aortic valve replacement #2

Just had an angiogram and everything is clear!

Scheduled for a femoral artery & heart CT Scan in a few weeks. After that, I'll sit with the surgeon again about my options.

In the meantime, I've been "negotiating" with my EP. He wasn't wanting to push my MTR above the default 130 due to my severe insufficiency. I finally convinced him that I would be carefull and he put it at 150 which I can work with. It is still limiting for me, but I get it. 

I'm hoping that they retweak everything after they replace my valve. I'd rather be self limiting, not device limited and worrying about hitting that awful MTR! 

I will continue to keep you posted...


That is good news

by Gemita - 2023-04-08 18:53:45

USMC-Pacer, what good news about the angiogram.  I am delighted you are free from disease and that will help a lot.  I hope the femoral artery and CT scan of the heart goes well for you and paves the way for a successful aortic valve replacement.

I am very happy that you had such a constructive nogotiation with your EP about your maximum tracking rate.  That must have been a difficult discussion but I agree, it is far better to be in control yourself than limited by your device.  I hope you continue to do well and please update us whenever you can.  

Hope all goes well

by LondonAndy - 2023-04-09 04:45:25

Considering how active you are, at over 15 years your tissue valve has lasted really well. I am the same age as you, but went for a mechanical aortic valve in 2013, for a "one-and-done" approach to heart surgery! (That's also how I got my pacemaker - surgical complication).


by USMC-Pacer - 2023-04-09 12:43:17

Yep, I struggled with the decision between tissue and mechanical. At the time, I didn't want to have to deal with anticoagulation. Decisions, decisions.. That could probably be an option now as well. But, I think I'm going to take the "easier" route. I don't want a redo open heart even though I new 15 years ago it would be coming. I am glad that technology is moving along like it is with other options. IF I'm not a candidate for TAVR for whatever reason, I'll be back at that decision making process again. I remember looking real hard at that ON-X valve...

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It's much better to live with a pacemaker than to risk your life without one.