How often are you paced?

I had a pacemaker implanted 2 1/2 weeks ago due to bradycardia with sluggish symptoms. Halter Monitor showed HR dropping to 26 with pauses up to 4 seconds. I also have sleep apnea (I use a CPAP) trigminal neuralga, and Afib which will be the next hurdle after 4 weeks. I do feel better post op with HR running about 60 according to my watch. Sometimes mostly at night I feel like the PM is firing, although hard to tell because the neuralga seems to run across my chest as well. I saw a poll asking how often you are paced? How can I tell?

Also, I have my Medtronics 24960 on cell setup. Is there any way I can see the data that is transmitted to my provider. I could only find mycarelink app and it does nothing.


Any advice appreciated.




How much pacing?

by Penguin - 2023-04-09 15:29:46

Re: the amount of pacing received. 

Most PMs produce a report each time they are interrogated. On this report it will provide the % of atrial pacing and the % of ventricular pacing for that period. Most people refer to this % when describing the amount of pacing that they receive. 

%'s for A.pacing / V.pacing will vary every time the device is interrogated. This is because your activity levels and other factors will vary from month to month / year to year.  

I hope that helps. 

Pacing percentage

by AgentX86 - 2023-04-09 15:47:36

It really doesn't matter what the percentage is.  For many, it can be changed from 0% to 100% with a simple resting rate change. The only thing you really need to care about is how you're feeling and what your limitations are, if any.

Your four-second pauses really aren't the problem.  Most cardiologists/EPs don't get too concerned until five or six seconds. A resting rate of 26bpm is why you have a pacemaker.

No, you can't see what's being transmitted.  You can get the any of your medical records.  These won' have raw data but will have the interpretations that your cardiologist will have.

Pacemaker firing? Probably not

by Gotrhythm - 2023-04-10 18:04:10

Some rare people feel it when their pacemaker fires. But it isn't at all common. Most of the time, people can't feel the pacemaker's activity at all. It's far more likely you are feeling some arrythmia, like possible PVCs ( Pre-Ventricular Contractions) that your heart, not the pacemaker, is causing. For some reason, arrythymias are more easily felt at night, in bed.

As for percentage paced, ask for a printout when you go for your pacemaker interrrogation. It will have that information on it. 

Fully Biontic

by Stache - 2023-04-12 00:02:24

I am paced 100% of the time with a 3rd-degree heart block.  I used to feel every pace for the first several weeks and now I don't notice it unless I am very still.  Before the pacer at night my heart rate would drop to 23 bpm, now I am 60 bpm all the time except when I shower, ride my bicycle, or work around the house. 

At night when I lay down and relaxed I can feel the pacer fire which is normal for me.  I do sleep better now with a steady heart rate, but during the day I do have limits and cannot physically work as hard as I used to.  Each of us is different and you will find your limits.


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