Pacer Download Loop

Last night my pacer monitor went into alarm mode and would not shut off.  A bit of a scare as my dual chamber pacer felt fine.  This morning I contact Abbott technicians and had my monitor reset.  The technician stated my monitor download was stuck in a loop and kept downloading my pacer data every few minutes for about seven hours.

Friday I am going to the hospital where the Abbott technicians are going to connect me to the mothership and do a full diagnostic test on my pacer to make sure there is not a software issue and if not to fine-tune my pacer to react sooner to speed my heart up.  I am surprised the hospital pacer clinic wants to run a full diagnostic on my pacer after telling me the data all looks good from my download.

Has anyone had issues with their home monitor being stuck in a loop when downloading their heart data?


Monitor stuff

by Lavender - 2023-04-12 21:58:07

I have a Latitude monitor from Boston Scientific. I've had a few episodes of seeing it flash yellow for long periods, another time it got stuck updating itself and blinked all the lights a while while blinking the light yellow intermittently. 

I always called Boston sci and they talked me through resetting it and made sure it was communicating with the mother ship. 

It frightened me that first time, I thought my CRT-P was acting up but it was just the communicator having issues. 🙄


by Penguin - 2023-04-13 03:05:25

Hi Stache, 

I have the same device as you. I can't answer your question, but I am interested to learn how you knew that your device was 'stuck in a download loop' ?  I have a monitor under my bed and wouldn't have a clue what it does during the night as I can't see it.  I didn't know that there was an alarm mode tbh! 

I assume you know that this model / pacemaker is under a safety advisory? Could this be why they are keen to check out a performance / function issue? 

Thanks for any info. 




by Tracey_E - 2023-04-13 08:44:14

It sounds like the pacer is just fine but the monitor may not be so I can see why they would want to do more diagnositics. Good luck. 

Transmitter Model EX1150

by Stache - 2023-04-13 22:10:42

I have a Merlin@home™ Transmitter Model EX1150.  I call the number on my Merlin transmitter in Los Angles and the tech verified who I was by pacer model number, serial number, name, and date of birth.  He then logged in to my monitor and told me it was stuck in a loop for downloading my data and transmitting it.  It took about 20 minutes to reset my monitor.  I had to unplug it, disconnect the USB, reconnect everything and push the reset button on the back.  It took about 10 minutes for it to boot up and reconnect before all the lights turned green again except the USB it goes blue then green.  Seems the problem with the monitor is corrected.


Tomorrow afternoon the Abbott techs will hook me up to the mothership and check my pacer.  I was advised to have the doctor order a stress test as well after the fine-tuning tomorrow which will be the real test of my pacer.


My Merlin Model EX1150 was not on the Medical Device Correction list, however, I am going to check it again tomorrow with the Abbott techs.  Don’t need another night scare with 3rd-degree heart block.  The lights that come on don’t tell you much other than it reads your pacer and transmits the data.  However, if all the lights start flashing as mine did it is stuck in a loop.  My manual does not say anything about flashing lights or what to do.  The tech explained to me just power it down, unplug everything including the USB, then reconnect everything, and lastly push the reset button on the back.

Thanks Stache

by Penguin - 2023-04-15 02:21:47

Thank you for the info Stache! I wasn't told much about my monitor so every little helps.

Bit confused about your bio, it says you have a PM2272 and yet above says that the model is an EX1150. Am I missing something? I'm only mentioning it because I mentioned the safety manufacturing issue which applies to certain batches of PM2272 model. I have no idea if there is a safety / recall issue with the EX1150.  Thought it best to make that clear! 

All the best. 

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