Loop recorder scar question

Hi all,

I have a loop recorder and I've not been able to find an answer to this. Is the loop recorder anchored/secured in place at the point of insertion? Sounds like a weird question but mine feels to me where my scar is is also attached to the recorder itself. In fact I'm sure it is, if I gently lift my skin I can see it pulls the recorder with it. It's not painful, and it's healed well I just want to know if that's how it's supposed to be? 




by docklock - 2023-04-17 10:56:16

I had a 'Implantable Loop Recorder' implanted last year in June.  Insertion was done with a very small incision under a local.  It was placed just under the skin over the heart -- not attached by anything -- no wires.  Had a couple of stitches and Super Glue to close.

It was removed when I had my PM installed n January, this year.

It's just 'loose' in the skin.  Not giving advice, only my personal view ---- probably best not to fiddle with it and just leave it alone to do it's thing.  

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