Please help.

Thank you all for your support and comments. It helps knowing I'm not alone going through this crazy ordeal. Anyway, my question is this: I have had a PM for AV blockage for over 12 years. Last surgery was in Aug 07. I have had chest pains for the past 17 years. I am on no meds, I have low and fast heartrate, but the doctor says there is no reason for me to be having chest pains.

I have what I call "spells" where I can be having a normal day and BAM I have sharp pains in my chest that knock me back. Some last just a few seconds and some come and go for hours. The current "spell" I am having is lasting a couple of days on and off. Afterward I'm weak and it feels like someone hit me with a baseball bat.

Every time I try to explain this to my cardiologist, he dismisses it and tells me if it gets bad to go to the ER. I've been to the ER and they usually just send me home with pain med.

Can anyone shed some light on this?




by Gellia2 - 2007-10-09 03:10:54

As long as your doctor has ruled out all cardiac problems, it sounds like you may be experiencing gas bubbles moving through the part of the bowel that loops up and under the heart.
This can be very painful. That, in turn, can create a vagal response which can make you feel awful. This can happen with or without a pacemaker. The only suggestion I can give you is to keep a record of what you have eaten and then when this occurs. Avoid those foods for awhile. You can also try yogurt with live acidophilus. If those don't work, you may want to have your Dr check you for H.pylori, a bacteria that some people have in there stomachs that produces too much acid. Also, pepcid AC, an over the counter medication may help. I do hope you find some relief.
Best to you,

Have you had a Holter?

by dward - 2007-10-09 06:10:01

If you haven't already, yo may want to ask to have a holter monitor for 24 hrs.
It's like an ECG where they hook you up to a small electronic recorder.
For the longest time, they couldn't tell me what my chest and throat pains were caused by. I would go to EMERG and all would check out fine, blood, ECG, etc.
Then they hooked me to a holter for 24 hours and viola! I am getting runs of PVCs (Premture Ventricuar Contractions) and boy, do I feel them!!! Sometimes one out of the blue, sometimes in runs. Sometimes I even break out in a cold sweat.
Apparently PVCs are common, and while most people don't feel them, some do - in their chest, arms, neck, or even jaw.
Mine is a sharp squeeze in my lower throat and upper chest.
Like I said, if you haven't already done so, see if you can get a Holter Monitor Test.
D. Ward

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It is just over 10 years since a dual lead device was implanted for complete heart block. It has worked perfectly and I have traveled well near two million miles internationally since then.