
  • by njh
  • 2007-07-18 07:07:23
  • ICDs

Hi everyone,

Just joined the club. Received my ICD in March, 2007. I'm not happy with it implanted subcutaneously. Hurts. Itches. Gets in the way. In Aug. I talk to the surgeon about the possibility of having it relocated under the pectoral muscle. Have done lots of reading about the pros and cons of the relocation. I've read a few postings from people who are happy with the ICD under the pectoral muscle. I'd really appreciate your feedback. Once the ICD is relocated, I know that the surgeon will not re-implant it if I am unhappy with the change in location. I exercise lots and do Qi Gong so I don't want to have problems with my shoulder. Thanks so much for your help.




by mvl - 2007-07-31 07:07:26

I was curious how you went about discussing the relocation. I am 27 yrs old and on my 3rd ICD. I just had the 3rd one put in 6 weeks ago. I never felt the other two, but this one is almost completely in my armpit. I can constantly feel it and is sometimes painful. It was so long ago when I had the other two put in that I can't remember if at first I could feel them and then it eventually went away. Anyway, what seemed to be required in order for the doctor to want to do a relocation?

Had mine relocated

by jpope5 - 2008-05-29 04:05:07

I had mine put into a pocket in my pectoral muscle when it was time for replacement. I am very happy with the result. It is much less noticable and I am much less self conscious.
Be warned, however, that the recovery and pain and swelling was much worse. They are actually cutting into the muscle. But was it worth it? For me, YES!


You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic woman.

Member Quotes

I am very lucky to have my device.