Fluttering sensations

Pacemaker fitted one month ago. In the first week I was getting similar symptoms to pre pm, fluttering, feeling faint etc. I went back and the pm was adjust up from a base level HR of 55bpm to 70bpm. Things are vastly improved since but I still get fluttering, it almost feels like the pm is "kicking in" like a clunky gear change on a car! I'm due to go back to pm clinic in two months. Any advice?


Fluttering and other sensations

by Gemita - 2023-06-04 08:54:48


Fluttering sensation tells me that you are still getting arrhythmias and you are feeling these as well as feeling any Settings changes that may automatically be occurring.  I see you have had your base rate raised to 70 bpm (me too).  If you continue to be really symptomatic, I would have another word with your doctors to ask whether any further settings need adjusting or whether your medication or other treatments need reviewing, so that you will not feel so symptomatic (faintness and palpitations).

I have atrial tachy arrhythmias including Flutter and Fibrillation and I often get these chest sensations which are directly caused by my arrhythmias, but they can also be caused or worsened by a poorly adjusted pacemaker.  In the presence of an arrhythmia, getting our settings adjusted to suit us can be a real challenge, but with time and patience, medication and lifestyle changes, these sensations can be lessened.  Of course a pacemaker cannot cure an arrhythmia and an ablation around the pulmonary vein is often attempted to give some respite. 

It took me 3 months+ to really heal and to get used to pacing.  The heart has been traumatised by the implant procedure and so irregular heart rhythms can be common while we are healing.  With time and patience you will see improvements.

I wish you all the very best

Heart upset

by Lavender - 2023-06-05 08:59:31

Your heart might be traumatized and not yet healed from this invasion. I felt all kinds of weird sensations til one day, seven months after my device was implanted, I finally noticed that I felt good again. The PVCs were real frequent before that. Lots of fluttering and odd feelings. Now I do have infrequent PVCs and rarely even notice my device. 
Also-we remind all pacemaker rookies that you simply must stay very well hydrated!  Lots more water than you used to have.  Fill up a pitcher of water and put it on the counter. Drink it all day long til you empty it. OR put out a glass and a paper and pencil. Every time you drink a glass mark it down.  Shoot for 8-12 glasses a day-most of them before 8pm so you're not up peeing all night. 😉

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I live an extremely normal life now and my device does NOT hinder me in any way.