5 days post procedure

I posted yesterday and recieved very good insight, more  importantly the answers were comforting and put some of my concerns aside.

Today I've the following concerns:

Is it comon to feel lethargic, tied and suffer from intermittent chills?  I've lost appetite and a few pounds and actually fell a down in the dumps. I think today is better than yesterday and I'll hopefully know more later today to compare how tired I was yesterday afternoon vs. today. I'll not go to the gym like yesterday when I did a brisk 1 1/2 mile walk and see if backing off exercise will  help with feeling low and lethargy. 

Any insights greatly appreciated.




Stay positive

by Gotrhythm - 2023-06-07 16:52:55

If you're having chills, you should check your temperature--make sure you don't have a fever. If you do have fever, a call to your surgeon is in order.

All the other things you're feeling are pretty ordinary, really. It's often an outpatient procedure, but getting a pacemaker is not "nothing," either physically or mental/emotionally.

It's a physical, mental, and emotional adjustment. Those things take time, and strangely enough, they often take energy--leaving us feeling dull, drained, and generally low.

Stay positive, and give your body a little time to adjust.

Hang on-better days ahead!

by Lavender - 2023-06-07 18:21:12

I was depressed when I got the pacemaker. My once familiar body now felt like a stranger was living in me. I did not want to give my device a cute nickname. I wanted to forget this happened. I felt old and defeated. I would fall asleep sitting up, so I started taking an afternoon nap. Partly it was to zone out from reality. 

I was anxious and fearful that something would go wrong, even though it never has in the two years since I got the pacemaker. 

Lethargic was normal. Sadness was normal. I didn't care about eating-I thought I was dying. 
I never had chills. You might be chilly from losing weight. Do you actually shiver or just feel cold? Have you asked your pcp to check you out?

It will get better. It just will. Tell yourself every day that all is well. Be patient with yourself. You're gonna make it to the other side of this dark valley. Each day will affirm that your heart will go on. 💗

Taking beta blocker metoprolol succinate with Telmisartan.

by Chuck P - 2023-06-08 15:41:13

A few weeks prior and subsequent to PM implant my BP Rx, Telmisartan, was not doing the job. When I complainted about PVC's and their side effects my Cardiologist recommedned the beta blocker metoprolol. Now 6 days post PM my BP is looking reasonable so concerned about taking both drugs but want relief from the PVCs. Dr gave me Rx for 25 mg of metoprolol succinate I just cut my 1st dose in half, 12.5 mg, and will check BP in 2 hrs.

Is anyone else on this or a similar combo? Would welcome any info, insight, or stories.

 Thanks beautiful community!

You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker interferes with your electronic scale.

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My cardiologist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 minutes.