

I am curious.  I am in Nova Scotia.  I was given the pacemaker in Ontario and told I would have a cardiologist appointment in 6 weeks, given the name of a cardiologist who agreed to see me and the number of the pacemaker clinic to make an appointment with them as well.  No cardiologist appointment so far.  Cardiologist's assistant sent me to pm clinic and then said cardiologist (not the one I was referred to see) would see me at the pm clinic.  That didn't happen at three weeks, just the tech.  And, I still don't have an appointment with a cardiologist at 6 weeks.  I have questions about blood pressure and cholesterol meds and other things to do with pm.  Shouldn't the cardiologist appointment be separate?  That was the case in Toronto...




by AgentX86 - 2023-07-08 23:55:05

You need to advocate for yourself.  Don't assume that things will happen automatically.  I've found that medical professionals are almost always very capable but their admin staff are dumber than rocks but have the memory of a butterfly.

My on-site pacemaker clinic appointments are scheduled next to my cardiologist's appointments.  They tend to be backwards but my cardiologist has always been around to see me again if something comes up or I have questions.


by Lavender - 2023-07-09 01:08:43

You could start with your pcp with the meds questions. Press on to get scheduled with a cardiologist. 

Keep pressing to be seen

by Gemita - 2023-07-09 05:07:21

Yes my appointment to see my cardiologist/EP is usually separate from my appointment to see the technician who checks my pacemaker data.  However, technicians are always around when I see my cardiologist/EP and are often asked to check my data before I go in to see my cardiologist/EP, or to make any changes after I have seen my doctor.

Clearly in your case though, you need advice about your meds primarily, so yes in the meantime, please see your general doctor.  A good technician should be able to answer many of your pacemaker questions.  My technicians can also refer me back to my cardiologist/EP if I have any difficult symptoms or any events found during pacemaker checks, so ask them also about a follow up appointment with the Cardiologist if you are getting no-where with admin staff.  Alternatively ring the Cardiologist’s secretary to ask for an appointment.  Just keep pressing until you are seen.

Cardiologists in the UK have long waiting lists, so hope you do better over there?

Not heard anything from hospital in a reasonable time.

by Selwyn - 2023-07-09 08:40:30

Chase it!

In this 'perfect' world letters never no missing, e-mails never go to the wrong person, and no one dies waiting for an appointment that has  gone astray.

Before writing that communication about you, the medic may have collapsed, been in a road traffic accident and be unconcious  etc. 

Here in the UK the clinics are integrated. You can see a cardiologist and then be walked over to see the pacemaker techs. For PM emergencies, cardiologists are on hand. 

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