Big increase in pacemaker dependency

Hello everyone, hope you are all well.

Yesterday at my 6 monthly check up I was told that my bottom chamber has gone from 15% pacing to 84% pacing in the space of 6 months.  Has anyone experienced anything similar or such a big jump in useage in a few months and what was the cause?

I have type 2 2nd degree heart block but my cardiologist thinks it may have progressed to 3rd. He took a whole of of bloods to check for any electrolyte imbalance, also kidneys, thyroid, liver and a whole bunch of other bloods to see in anything comes up.  He did a sonar and found everything to be okay, also did an ecg but i was pacing at the time so findings were difficult.

Im going to wear a halter monitor now for 2 days from next week and he was to do a chest xray too to see if he pics anything up.

any advice or similar issues would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much!


Relax, you're already covered

by crustyg - 2023-07-28 02:58:32

One thing that is seldom emphasised after device implantation is this: excepting the CCHB folk, many/most of us have disease processes which are potentially progressive.  So things may well change, and not usually for the better.

Just how much you're paced doesn't matter, as long as the pacing is working correctly and you can do the things that you need and want to do.

Try to focus on living your life to the full and let your EP-team worry about pacing percentages is my advice.

But in this life, advice is cheap.  The Wisdom of Solomon is separating the good advice from all the rest!

increase in ventricular pacing

by Gemita - 2023-07-28 04:11:22

Cands, how do you feel?  That is what is really important.  If you feel relatively well with your pacemaker then the level of pacing will be right for you.  Nothing in life stays the same and we cannot stop progression. Electrical disturbances like heart block usually progress with time, although the rate of progression can vary between patients.  In some cases, however, heart block may stay the same for years, or sometimes even improve;  that is the nature of electrical disturbances.  We are kept guessing.

I am glad your doctors are continuing to watch you closely to rule out any obvious signs of causes for your increase in ventricular pacing.  In the meantime, try not to worry.  Worry never helps and will only increase the likelihood of further electrical activity in your heart.  Remember if you are paced a high percentage of the time in the right ventricle and you feel well, then clearly this degree of pacing will be right level for you.

Good luck.  By the way I am 100% paced in the upper right atrium with minimum ventricular pacing, but I do not have heart block.  I have sinus node disease and lots of atrial tachy arrhythmias 

Hi and welcome!

by Lavender - 2023-07-28 09:18:06

I'm 100% dependent on my pacemaker. The percentage doesn't bother me as long as I know the pacemaker is working. I'm thinking how wonderful it is that you have one already serving you! Your dr sounds great!  No worries, ok?


pacing numbers

by Tracey_E - 2023-07-28 10:43:50

To reiterate what crusty said, heart block is usually progressive so an increase isn't really a surprise. As you needed it more, the pacer was right there doing its job keeping your heart in sync. It sounds like your doctor is very thorough and you are in good hands. If you feel good, you are pacing the right amount, whatever that number is. There is no good or bad number. 

You know you're wired when...

You participate in the Pacer Olympics.

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I am no expert, but I believe that without the defibrillator that I have, I would be dead.