
Has anyone cut their Multaq 400 mg in half and did the meds keep your afib away?


Not recommended

by Gemita - 2023-07-28 05:07:49

Palpations, firstly you should be asking your doctors or a pharmacist for advice if you are having problems with any of your medication, but I believe Multaq should be swallowed whole and not split.  It is quite a powerful med and must absolutely be taken according to your doctor's guidance and advice for your own safety.

Multaq is taken by a number of members here to help treat Atrial Fibrillation.  I know one member who has had a very good response to Multaq.  I have never taken it, although I took another medication (well two:  Flecainide and Digoxin).  Both worked well for a few years.  I am now only taking a beta blocker and doing fairly well.  My Atrial Fibrillation continues intermittently but I cannot say it has worsened.  

I hope you get some relief from Multaq but do ask your doctor if you could try a lower dose or a different medication, if the side affects of Multaq are difficult to tolerate.  Good luck

Update: I see the usual dose is 400 mg twice a day.  I wonder whether once a day dosing would be possible.  Anyway, do discuss with your doctors and let them know about any side effects

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