Increased usage

Had Medtronics for 13 months now. Went in for 6 month device check and hace appointment with cardiologist in 2 weeks. 

Technician said device was being used 44% in top chamber and 0% in lower. Last visit it was 33% so a fair sized increase. No real explanation other than "normal" resting rate may be lower than 60 bpm and maybe it's when I am asleep. 

I will ask my cardiologist but thought I would see if anyone has similar experience. 



Increased usage

by Dixie Chick 65 - 2023-08-02 18:40:33

Many people post a similar question here about usage. I've asked my doctor and device rep about those numbers as well. I have repeatedly been told that these " pacing" percentages change all the time. I have a dual chamber Medtronic ( 3 years now ) and in my case that's been true. 
The main thing is " How do you feel ?" No symptoms or worrisome feelings? If so, all is well ! 


by AgentX86 - 2023-08-02 23:01:12

These numbers are meaningless. A small change in heart rate (either yours or your pacemaker's) can make you go from 0% to 100%.  Ignore this number unless your doctor makes thinks it's important for some reason.  The number, by itself, means absolutely nothing.

it's fine

by Tracey_E - 2023-08-03 08:50:29

It is normal for us to gradually use it more over time. Many conditions naturally progress. Any time they adjust the settings, usage and estimated battery life numbers will change, sometimes drastically, because the numbers are based on the previous settings and now you're seeing numbers based on the new settings. All normal! If you feel good, you are pacing the right amount. There's no such thing as a good or bad number 

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You can finally prove that you have a heart.

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