pacemaker movement

Hi, I have had my pacemaker a little over 2 months. Lately, if I turn onto my right side while sleeping the pacemaker rises up and can be see like a ridge.  I was told to push it back down. I did this a few times now it does not seem to go all the way down. Please help.


pacemaker rises

by new to pace.... - 2023-08-02 21:31:47

I would contact your EP and have them take a look at it.  I beleive this should not be happening.

new to pace


by AgentX86 - 2023-08-02 21:43:08

You should never be pushing your pacemaker around.  Whoever told you that should get a boot up the butt.  Not this happened but there is a thing called "twiddler's syndrome", where the patient can't keep from playing with their PM. It becomes an unconsious thing, like doodling. Playing with it can even flip it over.  This can damage the pocket and compromise the leads.

A small ridge when you move may be normal as the device is moved.  It's a solid and your skin isn't - push down here and it pops up over there.  A little of this would be normal.  Pacemakers are stitched to the pectoral muscile in one place, so it can move some but still be anchored in place.  This stitch can be pulled out of the muscle and the pacemaker is no longer fixed in place.  It may be allowed to move around more than is desired.  You should get this checked out by the doctor who implanted your PM.  Do not go back to the person who told you to move it around.


by Tracey_E - 2023-08-03 08:47:23

When they're put in, pacers are theoretically stitched into place. Some surgeons don't do it, sometimes the stitch doesn't hold. When this happens, the pacer can drift and shift. It can take up to a year for it to fully settle into place. It may settle better than it is now, or it may always have the ridge when you move certain ways. Mine does. If I sleep on my left side, sometimes it pops out I sort of tuck it back in so it doesn't poke me.

Have they seen what it's doing, or just talked to you on the phone? Next time you are seenin person, make sure to point it out to them. It's probably fine, but can't hurt for them to see it. 

Try not to mess with it any more than necessary, fidgeting with it can cause issues. However, if it shifts when you turn onto your side, it's ok to gently push it to a more comfortable position. 


by Lavender - 2023-08-03 12:10:32

As Tracey said, mine has been in for two and a half years, and it sticks up when lying a certain way. I am not sure, but feel that mine is sewn in there on the side nearest my sternum. 

Not always, but when lying on my right side, the pacemaker flops toward the sternum, making its left side lean forward upwards. I gently lay my hand on it and it lies down flat again. 

I always sleep with a pillow tucked up against it to hold it flat while I'm sleeping. It scared me the first couple times but I realized what was happening.  Don't mess with it. If it's stuck weird, do ask the doc who put it in about it. 

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You make store alarms beep.

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Since I got my pacemaker, I don't pass out anymore! That's a blessing in itself.