Terminalia Arjuna

Anyone have any experience with the above herb? There's lot's of positive studies for various conditions one of which is heart function. Just curious if anyone here has tried it out :)


Terminalia Arjuna

by Gemita - 2023-08-09 06:48:21

USMC-PACER, I haven’t personally tried it, but it seems to be an extremely useful herb, although I see further research is needed with regards to dosage, duration, interactions with other meds and to pinpoint the specific compounds in this herb responsible for most of its biological effects. 

The attached link might be helpful if anyone wants to read more about Terminalia Arjuna which is widely used for the prevention and treatment of heart disease and related chest pain. I see it is an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial and has anti ischaemic properties.  It can be helpful for patients with coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, cardiac hypertrophy, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart failure.  It is also apparently useful for earaches and diseases of the urinary tract and probably a lot else!

There may be interactions with other prescribed medication if you take Terminalia Arjuna.  For example, it may decrease blood sugar levels, so those taking anti-diabetic meds may need to monitor their levels more carefully.   Of course it goes without saying that we should always consult our doctors before taking any herbal or other medicines/supplements in addition to our prescribed ones.


So USMC-PACER, have you discussed taking this herb with your doctors and do they feel it might help you?


by new to pace.... - 2023-08-09 10:27:39

I agree with what Gemita has mentioned above.  Plus i read up on this in case it might have been something i could take.  As soon as i read you should not take if you are on a blood thinner.  I stopped reading.

new to pace


by USMC-Pacer - 2023-08-09 11:40:47

As usual, great write up! I haven't made a decision either way about this herb. Asking my doctor is pointless as he is against all herbs. I've mentioned others in the past and I know his stance. So, if I decide to try it, I'm on my own unfortunately although I may mention it.. who knows?

Anyway, was just curious if there was  any takers here with results. Thanks

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