Medical I D bracelets

Just wandering if most people with pacemakers wear an ID bracelet? I do carry my card in my wallet. 


Most people ? No !

by IAN MC - 2023-08-11 14:25:38

Hi Laurette

A Pacemaker Club poll was done on this very subject a few years ago.

The question asked was  '' Do you wear a medic alert bracelet or pendant ?   339 people responded ; of those 55 % of replies said NO

I am firmly in that 55 % . You may decide that you would be happier wearing one but    NO   is the answer to the question you asked.




not anymore

by Tracey_E - 2023-08-11 15:18:08

We should, but I alway have my phone on my if I'm out and about and I keep my emergency information up to date, so I've gotten lazy about my medic alert 

Medical I d bracelets

by Laurette - 2023-08-11 15:22:13

Thank you for the replies. I am new at this and appreciate the feedback.

It is a no from me too

by Gemita - 2023-08-11 16:35:25

Laurette, I don't like wearing bracelets.  I keep my pacemaker ID card + hospital details etc. in my credit card wallet + I have my emergency info on my iPhone.  Will you be getting one?

no i do not

by new to pace.... - 2023-08-11 17:31:02

When i first got the pacemaker thought i should wear something.  One day in a store saw plastic lettering  kit that i could put on a band.  Made up the letters pacemaker.  When i was in the hosipital awaiting shoulder replacement .  Was told i could not wear it of cours i said it was plastic.  They said no jewelry.  Asked me to take it off i could not so they cut in off.  Never put it back on.   Do carry the card in my wallet.                               Pretty sure if something happens they will be aware of that hard metal object above my heart.  An hopefully will figure out what it is.

new to pace










I have one

by Aintgotrhythm - 2023-08-11 18:04:14

I cycle long distances solo and have always had one (a RoadID) with name, emergency contact info and medical insurance number. Post implant I updated it to say that I had a pacemaker and the model. Not much info really ("Pacemaker BS L331") but I wear it on the band of my Apple watch which is hopefully the first place an EMT would look if I'm found lying on the side of the road.

My niece is an EMT and she said they NEVER rifle through purses, wallets, etc. 

Sort of

by Lavender - 2023-08-11 18:06:27

I bought a pretty engraved medic alert heart to wear when I got my pacemaker two and a half years ago. It's a clip-on so can clip on a necklace or bracelet. I always had it clipped on a necklace. One day I stupidly put it on a bracelet. I wore it to the movies to see the new Indiana Jones feature. When I got home, I noticed it was missing but the bracelet intact. 

Now you would think someone would find it and call. It has my first and last name, my boyfriend's cellphone number and the word pacemaker on back. The front is the medic alert caduceus. 

So I bought another one-this time it's clipped to the zipper pull on my purse. If I am out and they go to get my wallet for ID if something happens, they have to use that pull to open my purse. 

I also have my pacemaker wallet ID in my purse. 


by docklock - 2023-08-11 18:43:20

I always wear one. A titanium bracelet and a titanium necklace.  I'm a guy, 79, and have always worn jewelry.   Ainygotryrhm brings up a great point of EMT niece says EMTs never go thru wallets, pursues and probably pockets.  
you can also be separated from your cell phone, purse etc.  

I suspect many people don't wear Medical ID is cause they don't have any serious problems with their implants and aren't concerned.  

Definitely a personal choice.  So I wear ID.  Always. Never take either one off.  
Don't care what anyone thinks.  
Yeah the bracelet is visible.  Again don't care.  Sometimes it's a conversation starter.  
Polls are great --- but YOU do what is comfortable for you. 
Also of the thousands of people that belong on this forum --- only maybe a hundred bother to respond to polls.  Or comment.  

I D bracelets

by Laurette - 2023-08-11 19:54:15

Thank you lots of different opinions this will help me make a decision.


by Flo - 2023-08-11 20:01:59

I have a medical ID bracelet that I wore for a very short time on my wrist as there was bruising and bleeding caused by the blood thinner.  So I attached the bracelet to a clip in my purse, however after reading some of the comments above I plan to attach it to the purse handle instead.

Medic alert

by AgentX86 - 2023-08-11 23:02:24

I wear a dog tag like necklace whenever I leave the house.  I used to wear a bracelet, too, but since I broke my wrist I can't have anything touch it.  I still wear the dog tag.

I have "PACEMAKER" on it, with "AV ABLATION", because my heart rhythm is goofy.  I also have "SEIZURE", for the obvious reasons.  The two drugs that may be important in an emergency (blood thinner and anti-convulsive) and finally my wife's phone number.

I was used once.  When I had the seizure, as I was regaining consciousness but still paralyzed, the EMT did check it and tell the other EMT that I had a pacemaker.  It was my first seizure, so it wasn't there, of course.

The things are very cheap and aren't a big deal to wear.  It worked for me, so I continue.

The wallet cards are useless.  No one is going dumpster diving in a man's wallet, nor are they about to get lost looking around a woman's purse.  They certainly don't believe anything on the pacemaker manufacturer's card.  When I was in the ER (twice), they didn't even want to see it, even/especially when they wanted to do an MRI.

Bottom line:  IMO, they're cheap and easy to wear.  Might just as well and it might even be useful.

Small pendant

by Daedalus - 2023-08-12 02:18:09

Mine is on a necklace pendant says:





D.O.B. xxxxxx 

You know you're wired when...

You fondly named your implanted buddy.

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