Magnetic Launch Roller Coasters

Hello everyone! I am in my late 20s and got a Boston Scientific Sub-Q ICD implant. My EP doctor gave me the go ahead to ride roller coasters again, however my question is, has anyone risked riding a coaster with a magnetic launch. I love these roller coasters, and want to know if there is real risk of anything. Thanks!



by Tracey_E - 2023-09-24 14:53:33

I've always read to avoid those, but I've done a few in the last couple of years with no issues. Newer pacers are well shielded, much better than their predecessors, and we don't get that close to the magnets. I used to avoid them, until I saw the Hagrid ride at Universal and decided once wouldn't hurt. Twice and ten times didn't either lol. 

Caveat, if you are fully dependent- as in, pace every beat and have no underlying beat- you might not want to risk it. I pace every beat but my underlying rate is still there even though it's very slow. So, my doctor tends to say give it a try and see if you feel anything rather than avoid at all costs.


by piglet22 - 2023-09-25 06:08:59

Living is a risk as is laying in bed.

I often roll out of bed while asleep and land on whatever project I'm working on, The latest one is a vintage sewing machine so that could be painful.

Personally, I don't think I would enjoy the ride full stop. Being scared witless isn't my idea of a day out. But having said that, I've had more injuries from being on a push bike but still do it.

I'm assuming that the ride uses an electromagnet to do the launching. To be effective, the designers will want the magnetic field to concentrate on the job in hand and not waste field strength elsewhere.

The inverse square rule applies and magnetic field strength falls off rapidly with distance.

It's probably safe, but be aware of it. I don't know what the terms and conditions are for going on these rides, but if you wilfully go on a ride with a medical device fitted then good luck in the courts.

If you like risks then do it and report back.

Good to spot it in the first place.

Oh to have fun

by Gemita - 2023-09-25 06:42:03

Oh Piglet, you did make me chuckle!  Can’t you tidy up before you go to bed and move these things out of the way?  This would certainly reduce your risk of a serious event.

Yes there are risks all around us but life without risk or a challenge is not much fun.  Sometimes we have to go outside our “safe zone”.  As Tracey_E has proved, we can remain safe even if we continue to challenge ourselves and she appears to be doing this all the time and having such fun.  

I suppose it depends on our level of dependency or on our health condition in general. For example, my husband at 85 with right sided heart failure would still be up for a roller coaster ride, magnets and all, but I would probably be petrified he might experience a heart attack from the excitement, so I try to keep him well away from danger whenever I can.  Of course it doesn’t always work


by piglet22 - 2023-09-25 07:16:48

Hi Gemita

Somewhere in my DNA, the untidy gene is dominant.

It says get things out but don't put them away. I blame my mother for throwing away my Dinky toys, so not only am I untidy, but I never throw things away.

You know that gene? it's the might come in handy one day gene.

I can't imagine life as a minimilist. Minimalists don't do anything. If there is such a thing as being a maximilist, then I'm one. Who else goes to bed and sets about taking a 1927 Singer Model 99 sewing machine apart or builds a Piper Cub model aerolplane?

It's what keeps me going and gets me up in the morning.

BTW, flu and Covid jabs next week and consultant F2F the week after.

As for roller coaster and thrilling rides, this link came through today on BBC news. I hope their keys didn't drop out.


by Gemita - 2023-09-26 09:12:39

If your untidy gene is keeping you active and well, then continue to nurture it!  Our home isn’t exactly clutter free and hubby seems to prefer it that way too. He knows. where things are when he is untidy.

What exciting projects you have taken up.  Certainly no time in your life for boredom.   I am keeping my fingers crossed for your consultant appointment in a few weeks, for which you have waited so long.  I just hope it will be valuable and that you will in some way benefit.  

Covid and Flu jabs for us too this week. 

this is a good one.

by dwelch - 2023-10-07 07:11:42

I would think this is fine it is a good field to get those things moving but there are also a lot of coils in the track to do that.  This is on par with those research projects you hear about with having coils in the road or at stop lights to charge an EV car battery.  I actually interviewed a fresh out that had done some work on that and asked him about it, what is the field strength does it affect anyhting in the vehicle, people with implated devices.   He was clueless (as are most fresh outs) so I didnt get an answer.  

You wont get a straight answer from the docs nor the pacer company they are driven by lawyers/legal fear.  Ink is cheap, disclaimers etc, are cheap even if they are baseless.  If I remember right dont normal coasters have a sign as you are standing in line related to do not ride this ride if you have a heart condition.  With that very generic broad term covering thousands of things?

As an engineer I would just say go do it.  Even if the field into the cars is strong enough the launch period is very short, so if it were to affect you it would only be for a few beats that the pacer may be confused or may go into magnet mode (fixed rate).  If you take your pulse later and you are stuck in magnet mode....well okay that was a fail, but they have had these things out for how many decades?  and how many news stories have we heard on this?  even if there is a huge sign folks are going to ride it and of those if there is an issue someone is going to report it.  How long was the iphone 12 (was it the 12?) before folks freaked out.  yeah, duh implatend devices have a magnet mode, duh, and it works...

Not sure how you could really get stuck in magnet mode (for any length of time), but otherwise if it puts you in magnet mode or the field confuses the pacer it should be for only a few heart beats.

standard disclaimer, not a doctor or professional in this field you are on your own to choose what you do despite anything said above..not responsible for any bad results of riding a coaster, etc...consult your doctor and pacer vendor reps on this topic.  Perhaps the roller coaster manufacturer has done measurements.  at the shoulder height above the seat above the carraige above the track...(every inch drops the field by a lot)


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