Still feeling sick and dizzy

Could feeling nauseous and lightheaded have anything to do with my pacemaker settings as I had check up 3 weeks ago and haven't been same since ,I've rang hospital can't seem to find report so my dr got me another pm check in couple days, some of medication I'm on is bisoprolol 2.5 twice daily, Metformin 500 twice daily,apixaban 5 mg twice daily,atorvastatin140 mg once daily,pantoprazole 40 mg twice daily,, furosemide 40mg once daily,spiractin 25 mg once daily, Ramipril 1.25 twice daily ,hap open heat surgery,ablation,evity 8 Biotronik pacemaker over last 2 years



by Penguin - 2023-09-27 03:46:47

Hi Mark, 

I've just been reading your previous posts and the advice provided re: contacting your pacing clinic re: these symptoms which started after a pacing check. You say that you have now contacted the clinic and they can't find the report.  Tbh this is very unlikely as pacemaker interrogations are stored on your computerised file.  It's no longer a piece of paper that can get lost although some hospitals may also keep paper records.  I see you are in Australia. I don't know what the procedure is over there but I'd be very surprised if they don't keep computerised records. 

Re: your medications. I'm not familiar with the majority of those meds and how they interact with your condition and pacemaker settings.  Look at the advice provided below **

**Edited due to other (much better) advice provided.

I'm pleased that you will be seen soon and that you pushed for this. Well done. Let's hope that this has a simple solution and that revoking any changes will sort things out. Let us know.

Best Wishes


by H van Dyk - 2023-09-27 04:12:33

I don't know if this is perhaps a typo, but I think that a dosage of 140 is unusually high. It's not even in the user manual. Maximum according to the manual is 80. I take 40 each day and after a while it always makes me feel nauseous for some 30 minutes or so.


by Selwyn - 2023-09-27 13:03:43

I've never heard of a pacemaker causing nausea. Lightheadness is possible, especially as some of your meds lower blood pressure and a slow heart rate setting may aggrevate this.

I would be looking elsewhere for a cause. 

You certainly should have your electrolytes checked as some of the drugs you take are notorious for kidney function disturbance.

Metformin frequently causes nausea ( there is a long acting preparation to try to help this), especially on starting or increasing the dose. Then again, diabetes itself may be out of control and cause nausea.

Other new illnesses may result in your symptoms.

I think medical help is indicated.

( Surely, 40mg of atorvastatin!)

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