
Has anyone taken mexiletine for ventricular tachycardia? It helps stop arrhythmias . Any side effects? Was it effective? 


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by Lavender - 2023-10-10 22:53:57

You might want to ask a pharmacist or your dr if this is a good med for your particular situation. They would know the side effects. In doing a search of this forum, no results came up for posts mentioning this drug. 


by Debs59 - 2023-10-12 04:09:19

I took this med for a short time and had terrible stomach issues and heartburn.  The meds did not help me...I am having an ablation soon.


by Happygirl8 - 2023-10-12 05:42:44

Did you take it with food? Or didn't it matter 

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You have rhythm.

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