fitness watch

Hi everyone,

My PM is two weeks old now, and I'm happy to have found this site.

I have read here and elsewhere that the Fitbit Versa 2 does not contain a magnet. I have also read that wearables containing magnets or using bioimpedance technology might conflict with a pacemaker. Problem is where to obtain the tech specs?? 

I tried chatting with two different fitbit reps over two days, but the best info they can give me is to check with my doctor. Fitbit must possess their specs, but are reluctant to supply even that basic information.

I am reluctant to rely on anectodal posts, so what do you suggest?




by Daedalus - 2023-10-20 11:18:15

I don't know about Fibits, but I've read about Apple Watches, which may be similar.  The watch won't interfere with the pacemaker, but the pacemaker can interfere with the watch's readings.  


by docklock - 2023-10-20 11:23:38

Just a shot in the dark from me, but I'm sure it has to do with liability. Almost every time I've contacted a company about compatabiliy -- it's always the same  "check with your doctor." Everyone is so sue happy today, no company wanys to expose themselves to liability. But like I said, that's only my opinion.



by fredaosss - 2023-10-20 11:36:19

Thanks for all your replies.

I get all that.

However, I didn't ask them for advice, or if I could safely  use their product. I only asked about specs.

I have been wearing a Garmin for a couple of years, but, when I read that the Versa 2 allegedly did not contain a magnet, decided to switch (provided I could confirm with fitbit, and that it is without bioimpedance). 


by new to pace.... - 2023-10-20 14:44:17

It would help if you filled in your bio with the make, model of your pacemaker and your location as sometime our answers depend on those.

new to pace

About Magnets

by DoingMyBest - 2023-10-20 17:37:43

I know you said you don't want to rely on anecdotal stories, but I think you might learn a bit from Douglas Rachac on YouTube ( He is a former Medtronics employee who lives with his own ICD/pacemaker. He shares a number of videos to dispell myths and to help us understand what the realistic limitations are with respect to magnets, interference, and security systems (TSA, metal detectors and the like). I found him to be very helpful. Good luck.

BTW, maybe someone can explain bioimpedance to me. I've not heard of that.

about magnets

by fredaosss - 2023-10-20 17:58:44

I can't explain it either.

Thank you very much. This is very helpful, and, I will check out the youtube site.

On another subject, I downloaded the data from my first, one week post implant interrogation. Do you know of a source where I can try to understand ANY of it?

Again, thanks for your reply.

Pacemaker Interrogation

by DoingMyBest - 2023-10-20 19:52:52

We don't know what make/model of pacemaker you have yet. It's going to vary, one to the other.

If you happen to have an Abbott/St Jude, I've located some info that may help.


by piglet22 - 2023-10-21 07:43:43

Highly unlikely that that a device like that used properly on your wrist is going to cause you any problems.

Respect magnets when you find them but don't fear them.

It's fair to say you would have to go out of your way to cause harm.

I use strong magnets every day working with magnetic field sensors and have never had an I'll effect.

Without a lot of Googling I couldn't give ba convincing definition of bioimpedance but roughly speaking it's going to be the resistance electrically to current flowing through through skin or tissue.

There are subtle differences between resistance and impedance but both are measured in Ohms.

Skin impedance is important in ECGs which is why the pads have conductive gel and the same principle operates in lie detection.

The very small voltages and currents in any biological measurement like cardiac function are only measurable by taking special precautions by shielding from external influences and the use of very sensitive amplifiers called operational amplifiers.

The Fitbit must have some clever electrodes to reliably detect heart function and some clever software to turn it into meaningful data.

Interference, data

by fredaosss - 2023-10-21 08:35:48

Thanks again all!!

You are all very helpful to this newbie.

I have a Medtronic W1DR01, implanted on Oct. 4, this year.

The day before, I had  a TAVR.

From what I've been told, the lower chamber is 100% paced; the upper, almost never.

So far I am disappointed, as I expected to feel great immediately afterwards. Doctor said I would feel "like a new man", but, I don't. I am 74.

So, I am second guessing/obsessing over whether my pacer settings are correct for me, if they should be tweaked (and how is that done). if the valve was properly implanted (op report says trace-mild PVL at conclusion - which I am told is common and of no consequence).

Maybe this is all premature, as my coronaries are 80 and 90% blocked, and in a couple of months will have a nuclear stress test to determine if stent/s are appropriate.

Well, that's it. Thanks for listening.


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