Getting a pacemaker on 11/10 for bradycardia. Have had a slow heart rate for 40+ years. Now that I'm 67 my electrophysiologist is recommending a PM. Also had some asymptomatic Afib and Aflutter. It'good to find an online group to chat with. Looking forward to exchanging experiences.


Welcome, Bob!

by Lavender - 2023-10-22 08:17:53

I'm glad you found us. It's good to know when you're going in for surgery and it's not an emergency surprise as many of us have had. 

Just an advance bit of advice: drink lots of water after surgery and stay well hydrated. You need more while healing. Also, if you come home wearing an arm sling, take it off after one day. Just remember to keep the pacemaker arm's elbow below the shoulder. Move the arm often. Be patient as you might notice your heartbeat more!  It will all settle in time, and you'll have renewed energy!

Let us know how it goes!  👋🏼


by Bob K - 2023-10-22 09:27:46

I am well prepared. I have a lot of medical background. I was "this close" to going to medical school, but at the last minute I changed my mind. I'm not nervous at all and pretty much know what to expect. Thanks for your comments. I will definitely coment post surgery.

Welcome Bob!

by Aberdeen - 2023-10-22 17:28:04

Good luck! I am sure everything will go well for you. Let us know how you get on.


by piglet22 - 2023-10-24 09:45:05

What kept you?

Of all the forums on pacing problems, this is the best.

I'm guessing 11/10 is November 10th.

Better late than never to get a fix for that slow heart and hopefully, it will be the start of a new life experience.

A fairly straightforward but skillful procedure, local anaesthetic, a bit of pushing and shoving. You might even get a choice of music.

Good luck


by Bob K - 2023-10-24 12:13:46

I am getting this PM just because my doc recommended it. I am 67 years old and have asymptomatic bradychardia for the past 40+ years, plus a little Afib and Aflutter. Again, still completely asymptomatic. I'm hoping this PM implant doesn't cause more problems than it solves. ONLY looking to increase my resting heart rate up to 60 BPM. Comments welcome please. The doc said that getting this PM is not an emergency. Just a prophalactic measure for if/when my HR slows down even more.

There are many success stories too

by Gemita - 2023-10-24 13:44:50

Bob, since your post is a little hidden now, you might want to start a new post where we can all comment and give you our thoughts on whether or not you should be getting that pacemaker on November 10th.  It might help to reassure you.

I also have bradycardia plus intermittent AF, Flutter and other tachy arrhythmias.  I almost went down the AV Node ablation route for my bradycardia induced atrial tachy arrhythmias (mainly AF).  I was having an awful time. Some weeks before my AV Node ablation was scheduled, they implanted a dual chamber pacemaker. I felt instantly better being paced at 70 bpm (after having rates in the mid 30 bpm).   I decided to put the AV Node ablation on hold.  That was  5 years ago.  My arrhythmias today are well managed on low dose Bisoprolol only.  I am off all antiarrythmic meds (Flecainide and Digoxin) and I am in a much better place.   I put it down to my success with atrial pacing.

Since you have bradycardia, you should be atrial paced too, with very little pacing in the ventricles, unless you have signs of heart block.

My feeling is that you don't want to wait until this becomes an emergency before you act.  Better to have elective surgery at a time of your own choosing I would think.  How low is your heart rate Bob and has it ever stopped you carrying out your activities?  I am assuming your doctor has identified a strong indication for a pacemaker to have recommended you get one now.  Presumably you have had monitoring of heart rate and rhythm and your doctor feels it is the best way to go.  I know in the UK our doctors wouldn't implant a pacemaker without there being a real need.

My EP said with such low heart rates it would be dangerous to give me rate control medication to slow down a fast atrial tachy arrhythmia like AF, but with a pacemaker, my heart rate could be kept at a higher, steadier rate and he could then safely give me medication to slow my fast AF episodes.  So this is often another reason for implanting a pacemaker.

Anyway, welcome to the Club Bob.  

Mine's "preventative" too!

by klmcshane - 2023-10-26 17:49:10

Hi Bob - I'm three days out from my PM implantation, which was also considered "preventative."  I wasn't reporting symptoms other than mild lightheadedness with exercise.  (I'm 38 - we just monitored me for nearly 25 years.)  And I'm still recovering and my body's getting used to it, for sure, but I'm also noticing positive changes and feeling better already - my breathing's better and I'm more focused and getting more restful sleep.  Fingers crossed that you'll have that kind of experience, too!

You know you're wired when...

You make store alarms beep.

Member Quotes

Life does not stop with a pacemaker, even though it caught me off guard.