Post surgery restriction

So I had my pacemaker implanted 11/21. I'm still a little sore. For the most part I seem to be doing okay. I have my first follow up appointment tomorrow. I was reading through the literature that came with my Boston Scientific pacemaker. There is a list of restrictions on power equipment listed in the pamphlet. I will talk to my doctor at my follow up. I am a little concerned when I return to work. I work for a business that sells and services lawn and other power equipment. I work as a service advisor but I also will do parts and work in the shop a couple hours a week sometimes doing sharpening services or test starting equipment. Do to the restrictions listed I may not be able to do all the things I used to do. What experiences have others had working around electric motors and power equipment.  Thanks


thanks for filling in your bio

by new to pace.... - 2023-11-27 12:54:02

If you filled in your bio as to the model, make and location where you live.

new to pace


by Redtrucker610 - 2023-11-27 14:11:23

I filled out of much as my bio that I felt comfortable with. The pacemaker is a Boston Scientific Accolade L331 MRI EL DR.


by Penguin - 2023-11-27 14:22:03

That's fine Redtrucker. You're not obliged to provide anything and it's understandable that you feel that way.  It just helps a bit to know the country you live in and the type of pacemaker.

I'll leave other to answer re: what you can / can't do as I'm not familiar with the equipment you mention.  Pacemakers are pretty well shielded these days, so hopefully you will be fine. 

I'm pleased that you're reporting minimal symptoms.  That's the norm and suggests that all is well.  

Welcome to the forum! 


Hi Red

by Lavender - 2023-11-27 15:05:38

Hopefully you can get answers at your appointment tomorrow. I can tell you that I use a weedeater, hedge trimmer, electric chain saw, leaf blowers, cub cadet lawn tractor, even used a log splitter. No problem. 

I have a Boston Scientific CRT-P Valitude X4. 

Contact info

by Lavender - 2023-11-27 15:09:30

You can call or check online with Boston Sci for more info:

To obtain a copy of the device Patient Handbook for more detailed device safety information, go to,  or you can request a copy by calling 1-866-484-3268 


There is a good list here on their site of what's compatible and not. Copy and paste the link:

EMI for Biotronik's

by ANDREW75 - 2023-11-27 16:59:42

Hi Roadtrucker610,

Thank you all, this thread reminded me to look up EMI restrictions for Biotronik’s. Yes, I found the Arc Welder listed, not that have one! 

Biotronik’s EMI link attached for comparison.

EMI with my Biotronik's Pacemaker

Electromagnetic Interference Guide.pdf (



by docklock - 2023-11-27 18:58:56

Because you live in the US you are covered by the Americans with Disability Act -- ADA.

As a person with a disability (your heart and PM) as long as you can do most of your job you may request that the part of job that may negatively impact your disability be assigned to others.  
That's the way the ADA is supposed to work. In my former life I was the ADA consultant for the agency I worked for.

That was over 20 years ago so I don't keep up with any new changes -- but certainly worth looking into. 
Like many here have mentioned, your PM is actually pretty "bullet proof". Certain work like welding can be possibly dangerous, so is hanging very close to running motors.  
Remember the 6" rule as well as the 12" rule and you should be good. 
As always-- your actual mileage may vary.  

What percentage are you paced?

by LondonAndy - 2023-11-27 19:14:20

Whilst not wishing to be cavalier about the risks electrical equipment can pose, particularly arc welding, it may be worth remembering that any electrical interference will only be a problem whilst it is going on. It won't stop or reprogram the pacemaker. If you are largely dealing with domestic equipment, rather than industrial, and you keep 6* to 12" away from the item you are testing or starting etc, if it feels like you are affected move away from it.


by piglet22 - 2023-11-28 05:28:30

There's no definitive answer here as each situation is different.

Clearly there are risky situations where you could come into contact with dangerous levels of radiation falling in the description of EMI (Electro Magnetic Interference). Repairing and testing a microwave oven and bypassing safety interlocks would be an example.

Who in their right mind would do it?

Pacemakers and leads are very well shielded from everyday domestic sources of EMI and it would be interesting to hear from anyone who has had verified interferences.

There is another chink in the PM armour as more communication is introduced like Bluetooth as well as NFC (Near Field Communication).

There is an infinitely small chance of data corruption, but Bluetooth at least is well protected by encryption and short range to virtually rule it out.

The general rule of keeping a distance from electrical and electronic equipment, say 10 to 20 cm minimum is sensible especially if it transmits or moves.

Bear in mind that we are all immersed in electronic noise. Listening to the radio or watching TV involves huge amounts of data passing through the ether. A mobile phone picks up satellite data, Bluetooth, WiFi and transmits some of them.

In an industrial situation, you might need to involve the health and safety people.

In domestic situations try and make sure that electrical equipment is from reputable companies and carries marks or documentation that it has been tested for safety. The old kite mark and CE certification are examples 

DR. Visit

by Redtrucker610 - 2023-11-28 13:01:08

I did talk to the doctor today. She could only offer general advice of staying about 12" from from electrical and power equipment. She did say its okay to start and run back blowers for testing but I should not run one while having on my back. For the sharpening equipment with electric motors she said I would have to reach out to Boston Scientific for guidance on safe working distance from the equipment. I will do that but I think I will be okay. The only time I'm right next to the motors is when changing grinding wheels and they are not running when changing wheels.

Good job

by Lavender - 2023-11-28 16:29:27

Good for you for chasing down some more information so you can safely do your job!👏🏼

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